PRACTICE 15-20mins per day Proficiency in 5 scales (Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb), reading bass and treble clef, intermediate rhythm dictations, good tone and agility with dynamics, articulation and high and low registers Complete Essential Elements 1 Bring the beginning students up to the intermediate students’ level A lifelong interest in music and ensemble playing
In theory, ensure that all students could successfully pass an entrance exam for post-secondary music programs Performances in the community (Senior Centre, Remembrance Day, Holiday Concert both at school and in the Community, Grease Pit Band, joint concert with local community band “Delta Music Makers,” Spring concert and more… Proficiency in all key signatures (ie. circle of 5ths) Give students opportunities to work with professionals and experience professional performances
To raise money in order to have flexibility for guest players and clinicians, new music and educational field trips (Parent and teacher Johnny&June pub night fundraiser, Chocolate sales at Christmas) Double in numbers next year by going to elementary schools to perform, by bringing in professional musicians to inspire young players, by creating a presence in our school and community……how? Feedback…. Build a program that requires two teachers ; ) Create a mentorship program for the Juniors and create a strong community of musicians through practice sessions before school and/or at lunch Create a partnership between the Delta Community Music School and DSS
Junior Band Essential Elements 1 Senior Band Essential Elements 2 I Recommend Famous and Festive Chorales
Remembrance Day (November 8 th ) District Music Nights: - Tuesday November 5 (NDSS) - Wednesday February 5 (SDSS) - Monday May 5 (Seaquam) Holiday Concert (December 18 th ) Spring Concert (May 28 th )
Ms. Neff’s Website: Ms. Neff’s Lates and Absences Band Folders $18.00 (optional) Field Trips: VSO rehearsal, JINGLE rehearsal, Mary Poppins at the Arts Club….. Field Trips in the classroom: Wendy Stuart, Chris Bowerman, Chris Davis (Artist in Residence), Delta Music Makers Concert, others…. Keeping instruments in the band room… Questions and Concerns….