Parent Engagement What have we done so far?
i-SPIN Grant (Iowa Sustaining Parent Involvement Network) 1. Improved teacher/parent communication 2. Open House/Back to School Night/Conference Night Philosophy 3. Parent Education Classes 4. Home Visitations 5. Welcome Center 6. School Compact 7. Welcoming Environment in Building – Physical Appearance and Personal Touch 8. Parent Engagement Class Offered Here at City High
i-SPIN These practices have been rather SEAMLESS because so many of our teachers and staff members already do them.
National Attention Iowa (PIRC) has garnered NATIONAL ATTENTION on the concept of parent engagement. City High is one of a couple of high schools in the state of Iowa participating in the i-SPIN grant. City High has been a leader in this initiative
Latest i-SPIN Meeting Discussion on Homework Looked at several homework policies from various schools. Some policies were school-specific – some were District-wide Examination of what we do at City High is in no way saying that we’re necessarily going to change a thing.
Homework After looking at the various policies from schools and districts, the i-SPIN committee (composed of one administrator, three teachers, and four parents) viewed the following ideas as possible concepts for a policy at City High.
i-SPIN Homework Recommendations City High values the importance of homework and uses it as a tool to extend learning opportunities outside of the classroom. Homework provides parents and teachers an opportunity to work together as partners to support student achievement. We hope our homework policy will help you and your child make the most of homework
i-SPIN Homework Recommendations DEFINITION –Homework is any work that is assigned to be completed outside of the classroom. Homework may be an independent student activity, a group activity, or one that requires parental help to support and build upon material from class. Homework is used to reinforce learning, develop skills, build confidence, and support academic success, to be independent and successful after high school.
i-SPIN Homework Recommendations PURPOSE –Homework should provide students with the opportunity to: Develop good study habits and promote independent learning Prepare for upcoming instruction and coursework Practice or review lessons and materials from the classroom Extend or apply concepts and skills learned in the classroom Be creative and develop talents and interests
i-SPIN Homework Recommendations RESEARCH –Quantity and Time It is recommended that students spend about 10 minutes per grade on homework each night. We realize this may vary based on the student’s courses, student’s study habits, and academic skills. Please use this information as a starting point when discussing homework and study habits with your students GRADE 9-12 – minutes per school day PURPOSE – Practice and review/Preparation/Skill Integration/Extension Regardless of how much homework is assigned, students should always strive to complete the assignment to the best of their ability
i-SPIN Homework Recommendations ROLES –PARENT –Provide a quiet, well-lit study area for your student to study Set a regular uninterrupted time to study Monitor student’s organization, daily assignments, and preparation for upcoming assignments Help your student access resources to complete their homework Be supportive Communicate with teachers
i-SPIN Homework Recommendations - STUDENT –Write down assignments in planner –Be sure all assignments are clear/ask questions if you don’t understand –Set aside a regular study time each night –Find a study area that fits your needs –Try your hardest and produce work that demonstrates what you know –Compete and turn in assignments on time –Use available resources to help you complete work
i-SPIN Homework Recommendations - TEACHER –Assign relevant and meaningful homework that reinforces classroom learning –Give clear instructions and make sure students understand the purpose –Communicate with parents, students, and other teachers –Contact parents if there are concerns –Update Power School regularly
i-SPIN Homework Recommendations MAKE UP and LATE WORK –Students will have an opportunity to make up missed work for full credit or reduced credit if completed within the time frame stated below: A student will have 2 days to make up work for the first day absent. From that point, they will have one day to make up work for each day absent. Students are expected to turn in all make up and late work It is recommended that the student talk with each of their teachers upon returning to school to ensure they have all of the materials, information, and tools necessary to successfully complete course work.
Tips to help when you hear, “I don’t have any homework!” To find out about assignments: –Check student planner for assignments –Check Power School for assignments –Check City High web page and use teacher blog links – the teacher –Use online text books and website materials WHAT ELSE? Read for fun, review current and past homework, discuss current issue from the news, spend time together doing an activity you enjoy, plan and work ahead on upcoming assignments…….
CONCLUSION We believe in helping our students achieve a balance in their lives. It is our goal to work with parents to help students learn how to balance school, leisure, and family. There are many ways to enhance learning outside of the classroom, and we encourage you and your student to make the most of every learning opportunity.