General Chemistry Period 4 Mrs. Muckey The important thing is to not stop questioning. --Albert Einstein It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education. --Albert Einstein Welcome!
Classroom Expectations 1.Be Respectful Yourself Teacher Peers Classroom materials 2.Be Prepared Bring required materials to class Keep up with class reading and homework 3.Be On Time!! Be in your seat when the bell rings 4. Be Involved! Classroom participation is part of your grade
Lab Expectations Safety! Safety! Safety! Lab safety glasses should be worn at all times! Food or drink should kept out of lab space Appropriate behavior is vital in lab Always read directions completely Appropriate clothing should be worn on lab days Shoes must have closed toes Shorts and skirts must be below the knee Wait until teacher is present to enter lab
Homework Daily homework assignments will relate to topics covered during class Homework should be completed prior to the beginning of class Purpose of Homework To consolidate understanding To discover holes in understanding To practice and prepare for exams No late work will be accepted for daily assignments Projects will be accepted late with 25% deducted for each day late If students complete and turn in daily assignments, they will receive full credit. There is no penalty for giving the wrong answer
Absences When a student returns to school after an absence, any missed work will be located in a folder at the front of the class The last five minutes of the each class period will be designated quiet study time. If there are questions about missed work, this is the time to ask them Students will have two days for each day missed to make up work (according to school handbook) It is the student’s responsibility to find out what has been missed and make up that work
Consequences When classroom rules are not followed, the result will be: 1 st offense – Warning 2 nd offense – Phone call or home 3 rd offense – Detention (before or after school) 4 th offense – Detention (Saturday) For more major offenses (cheating, stealing, dress code violations, etc.) school guidelines will be followed If negative behavior is disrupting class, and after a warning, behavior does not stop, student will be asked to leave the class for the remainder of the period.
Class Time Bell-ringer Activity Go over homework Quiz Content taught through Lecture Discussion Small group work Lab Wrap-Up Homework assignment Quiet study time (5 min.)
Instructional Techniques How will the material be taught? Bell-ringers Reflections Group Activities Pair-Shares Small group activities Technology Power Point Presentations Graphing Programs Molecular Modeling Text Book CD-rom Open-ended questions Laboratory Experiments I will work with the students to be sure they know how to take proper notes, what things to keep in mind as they read the text, how to study for exams, how to ask questions, how to investigate and solve problems, and how to find information
Grading Quarter Grades will be determined as follows: Homework – 15% Quizzes – 10% Tests – 25% Class Participation – 10% Laboratory – 20% Individual and Group Projects – 20% Semester Grades will be determined as follows: 1 st Quarter Grade – 40% 2 nd Quarter Grade – 40% Semester Exam Grade – 20% Extra Credit Opportunities – One per week
Grading Scale The grading scale for this course is the same as the school-wide scale % -- A % -- A 90-92% -- A % -- B % -- B 80-82% -- B % -- C % -- C 70-72% -- C % -- D % -- D 60-62% -- D- O-59% -- F
Contact Information Voic – – THANK YOU!