1/30/07 BR- How is Jamie Fulton important to the case Today: Beginning the Mock Trial Case.. Mikva People: Training Polling Place? Debate E.C.**
Do you? Have a copy of the case? Have a copy of the rules? Have a copy of the penalty points? Other copies to follow.. Read the case..
If you were asked to prove something how would you do it? As a small group come up with something that you want to prove. (make it up!) be sure to include the necessary elements. You will be asked to present your case. What is your burden of proof ? Would a changing burden of proof affect how you would present your case?
What are the elements that must be proved? Plaintiff-Defense- Look at the trial information, “The Litigation Process” in the back of the packet. This takes you through every step of the trial. -Do you understand the difference between direct examination and cross examination?
We must understand.. From this point forward, your attendance, punctuality and successful completion of assignments not only affect your grade but to what degree and capacity you will participate in the trial. When you enter the room each day be ready to concentrate on the task at hand and focus. To the greatest degree possible all other considerations must be left outside the workplace.
There are 21 total parts in the Mock Trial Competition - 5 Attorneys for the Plaintiff and 5 Attorneys for the Defense. - Witnesses for the plaintiff: Jamie Fulton,Terry Tremaine, Dale Vincente, Jordan McKenzie, Reese Hathaway - Witnesses for the defense: Drew Lowell,Taylor Duran, Blake Levine, Tracy Terrano, Casey Lee - Deputy Sheriff (bailif)
Each Person Should have a dedicated trial binder with the following: 1.The document I wrote that I handed our on our first day back. 2.Your written response to that document. 3.Your case packet. 4.The trial calendar 5.“Mock Trial Procedural Overview” 6.Evidence “Cheat Sheet” 7.A copy of the mock trial rules 8.A copy of the penalty points 9.A copy of the Circuit court guidelines 10.“Persuasion at Trial” 11.Any writen work that you do and we hand back.
Homework Assignment - Due Tomorrow! Answer the following questions on a piece of paper. Use complete sentences. You must answer each question with a definitive stance. 1. What part would you like to play in the trial (attorney or witness.) 2. If you answered attorney, for which side would you work and which witness would you examine directly?
Homework Continued.. 3. If you answered witness to question #1 which witness would you like to play. 4. Regarding your answer to question #2 or #3, what reasons can you offer as to why you should play that part. (Be specific, mention skills you have to offer, feelings you have about the part, etc.) 5. After reading the case, who do you think should prevail? What is your rationale for that (supporting arguments.)
Homework Continued.. 6. What is the purpose of the complaint? 7. What is the purpose of the answer? 8. What happens during the discovery phase of a trial? 9. Explain what the burden of proof is in a civil case.
Homework Continued.. Jamie Fulton Terry Tremaine Dale Vincente Jordan McKenzie Reese Hathaway Drew Lowell Taylor Duran Blake Levine Tracy Terrano Casey Lee 10. Explain who each of characters is (in a sentence or two.) Do you understand why the names are a little strange and the whole “he/she” thing?
Honors Credit Option I am always open to ideas for how to qualify for honors credit for this class. If you have an idea see me now. You must tell me by February 4 if you are going for honors credit. 1 Option: Keep a daily trial journal. In this journal you discuss what happened each day, what you are working on, what’s going on (like a diary.) After the trial is over, write a 5 page (typed, double-spaced, 12pt. Font) paper that discusses what you learned during the experience.