Steps to Success / Indistar September Web Meeting For Title I Priority and Focus Schools September 19, 2013
2 GoTo Webinar Pointers Confirm you can mute your own microphone/ phone – to enable discussion during today’s meeting, take a minute to locate the mute control on your computer/ telephone. SPEAKER PHONES are an audio challenge as are telephones on speaker mode. Use a headset if possible to minimize background noise. To avoid feedback, turn off the microphone on your computer if joining us by telephone. You will be muted during the session unless otherwise indicated. If you have a question or a request, type it into the QUESTION box. At the top of the control panel you have the option under view to unlock auto hide. If you do not unlock this, the control panel will hide automatically. You may see it again by clicking on the arrow.
Welcome! Meeting purpose Introductions: September 19, Tell your name, school or district, and complete one of these stems: “Our staff are...” “Our students are...” “Our families and community are...”
Meeting Agenda Update Parking Lot Questions (and some answers) Using P+ to retrieve subgroup data reports Share challenges & successes that have emerged so far in completing Priority and Focus expectations September 19, 20134
Parking Lot Questions (1) Selection Process: Q: How selected? Priority; Focus A: Contact Scott Mantie: Exit Process: Q: How priority exit? TBD Q: How Focus exit? A: If meet equity target (provided by Scott Mantie) in 2013 NECAP ; beyond 2013 NECAP, TBD September 19, 20135
Parking Lot Questions (2) Requirements: Q: What are the requirement of Priority & Focus schools? A: Align initiatives to the ESEA Turnaround Principles Access Funds: Q: How can we access our set-aside and school improvement funds? A: (1) Super sign and submit assurances; (2) complete updated plan for ongoing data review (ID10); (3) complete Local Data Summary – Baseline; (4) commit to participation in Principal Effectiveness Network September 19, 20136
Parking Lot Questions (3) Support Providers: Q: How can we access Turnaround Coaches? Data Coaches? Principal Mentors? A: Submit request to Turnaround Office contact: Joey Nichol Deborah Connell Q: How do we pay for support providers? A: Data Coaches – no fee; provided by SLDS grant Principal Mentor – fee (could be from Priority and Focus $); contact Bob Manseau Turnaround Coach: contract negotiated between coach and LEA; fees paid by LEA September 19, 20137
Parking Lot Questions (4) Use of Funds – IDEA, Title I, Title II: Q: How can we use our various fund sources to target support for our students? A: Guidance memo from USED released Sept 14; NH memo in development; anticipate presented at the October Superintendents meeting with the Commissioner SIG –now Priority – Requirements: Q: Which SIG reporting requirements remain in place, which superseded by Priority expectations? A: To Be Finalized -- watch for a notice from Joey Nichol soon September 19, 20138
QUESTIONS to be Added to the List September 19, Y our CHOICE: RAISE YOUR HAND to be unmuted and voice your question. OR TYPE your question in the QUESTION box. We will capture the questions and forward to the Office of School Turnaround.
Retrieving Data Reports for Waiver Subgroups September 19, Purpose: Learn about a strategy to retrieve your P+ student level data by the new “waiver” subgroups Presenter : Rob Hanson, Data and School Improvement Coach
Questions for Rob on P+ Subgroup Reports? September 19, Your CHOICE: RAISE YOUR HAND to be unmuted and voice your question. OR TYPE your question in the QUESTION box.
Progress Check: Homework Checklist September 19, Consult with District leaders, respected advisors and appropriate DOE state lead to decide whether to contract with an external coach. Check login access; wander and explore Recruit or reconvene leadership team (LT); create schedule; agree on norms; distribute roles Designate a “process manager” How’s it going so far? RAISE your HAND to be unmuted and share your success or challenge with other Priority or Focus Schools. OR type your comment/ challenge/ success in the QUESTION window.
Progress Check: Homework Checklist (2) September 19, Checklist CONTINUED: Complete comprehensive data review Complete and post Summary of Local Achievement Data Complete CROSSWALK; identify priority indicators to be assessed; draft work plan FOCUS Schools: ASSESS or RE-ASSESS and PLAN (or revise current PLAN) KEY Indicator ID10 Complete and Submit September Monthly Report Register to attend first StS web meeting: Sept 19 How’s it going so far? RAISE your HAND to be unmuted and share your success or challenge with other Priority and Focus Schools. OR type your comment/ challenge/ success in the QUESTION window
Next Steps: Crosswalk September 19, Purpose: Work with plans already in place – “do not reinvent the wheel” Some Process Options: -Recent Steps to Success Users - Retrieve List of Objectives included in Plan - Identify which Turnaround Indicators already assessed, planned -Review existing content; update; post in Turnaround Indicators workspace -- Recent Focused Monitoring Participants - Review action plan produced by FM process - Identify Turnaround Indicators most closely aligned with FM plan - Post ASSESS and PLAN in Turnaround Indicators workspace -- SIG Schools - Examine Action Plans -Post aligned plan in online workspace
NEXT Web Meeting September 19, Thursday, October 17, 2013, 2:00 – 3:30 pm *Watch for registration invitation. *SUBMIT your offer to share a strategy, a success story, OR a challenge needing collegial advice to be included on the agenda for our October meeting. *Watch for a feedback survey via . * Link to the recording will be distributed (once we figure out where to host it so it’s accessible to all!) * For Questions on Steps/ Indistar support, contact Karen Laba, 603 Rob Hanson, 603
16 Pause and Reflect “We change only if we decide that the change is meaningful to who we are... If the work of change is at the level of an entire organization or community, then the search for new meaning must be done as a collective inquiry.” Wheatley, Margaret J Leadership and the new science: Discovering order in a chaotic world. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, p148. September 19, 2013