The Effects of War
Lesson 1: Analyzing Political Cartoons Lesson 2: Political CartoonLesson 2: Political Cartoon Jeopardy The Effects of War
Lesson 3: Unit Overview and Essential Questions
Wars Explored in this Unit Iraq/Afghanistan Vietnam World War II World War I The Civil War
War Unit Length: 18 Periods Readings: Informational Texts Political Cartoons Video/Film Songs/Lyrics Images Short Stories Poetry
War Unit Essential Questions: How are individuals affected by their experiences in/at war? How does war change a generation?
War Unit Stations Station 1: Analyzing Media Station 2: Exploring Images Station 3: Analyzing Political Cartoons Station 4: Analyzing News Articles Station 5: Analyzing News Articles
The Effect of War Unit Introduction Assessment: Opening Journal Entry (10 min): In what ways have the recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan affected you, your family or your friends?
Afghanistan/Iraq War Station 1: Analyzing Media (white board): 1. Listen/View (10 min): Music Video "Live From Iraq" 2. Complete the "Song Lyric Analysis""Song Lyric Analysis" 3. Complete Ticket to Leave 4. Take homework assignmnet
Station 2: Exploring Images View the images. 1. Choose 2 images 2. Fill out the OPTIC graphic organizer 3. Complete Ticket to leave 4. Take homework assignment Afghanistan/Iraq War
Iraq War
Afghanistan/Iraq War Station 3: Analyzing Political Cartoons View the following political cartoons in reader: 1. Page 75 "Rick Perry and Marines" 2. Page 76 "Urinating Soldiers" 3. Fill out the Analyzing Political Cartoons graphic organizer for each.Fill out the Analyzing Political Cartoons graphic organizer 4. Ticket to leave 5. Take homework assignment
Afghanistan/Iraq War Station 4: Analyzing a News Article 1. Read and annotate "Video Inflames a Delicate Moment for U.S. in Afghanistan"on page 72 in reader. 2. Complete the News Article AnalysisNews Article Analysis 3. Finish your analysis for homework
Afghanistan/Iraq War Station 5: Analyzing a News Article 1. Read and annotate "The Abu Ghraib Scandal You Don't Know" page 59 in reader 2. Complete the News Article AnalysisNews Article Analysis 3. Finish your analysis for homework
War Lesson 5: Understanding Primary and Secondary Sources
Vietnam War Essential Question: o Do mainstream media have an obligation to report the truth about war even if such reporting results in adverse (bad) effects?
Vietnam War
Vietnam War Understanding Author’s Purpose Analyzing Media Screaming Eagles The Leaves Keep Falling Teaching the Vietnam War in Vietnam Napalm Girl
Vietnam War Communist and Protests Background The Red Scare Anti War Protests Analyzing Vietnam Era Song Lyrics Eve of Destruction For What It’s Worth Unknown Soldier Give Peace a Chance
Vietnam War-and Hollywood Napalm in the Morning Ride of the Valkyries Into the Eyes of Hell Good Morning Vietnam Forest Gump Real DaNag Battle (Graphic) We were Soldiers (DaNang)
Vietnam War-Political Cartoons