1 LC Training for RDA: Resource Description & Access Module 3: Identifying Expressions and Describing Content Cooperative and Instructional Programs Division, Library of Congress 2012
2 Acknowledgements This course has been adapted from training delivered by Barbara Tillett and Judith Kuhagen, Library of Congress Policy and Standards Division, to the Georgia Public Library Cataloging Summit, August 2011 COIN gratefully acknowledges their permission to adapt the material for the present purpose
3 Learning Objectives for Module 3 -- Identifying Expressions and Describing Content o Elements for Expressions o Content of Works and Expressions o Creators, Contributors, and Relationship Designators o Miscellaneous Changes from AACR2
4 Unit 1: Elements for Expressions “Expression” – the FRBR Entity Identifying the Expression LC Decisions Contributors Constructing the Authorized Access Point Representing an Expression Additions to Authorized Access Points for Expressions Variant Access Points for Expressions MARC Authority Fields for Expressions
5 Expression – the FRBR Entity ‘the way in which a work (the idea in the creator’s mind) is expressed’ through … Language Sound Movement Performance etc.
6 Identifying the Expression Authorized access points are used in bibliographic records to identify the expression being cataloged; also in 6XX and 7XX to represent relationships to other expressions Forms according to RDA chapter 6 Two-steps (similar to identifying the Work) Name the work Add expression-level identifying information
7 Always identify the expression by recording in the bibliographic record sometimes (see DCM Z1) also by making a title or name/title authority record Authorized access points are used in other authority records as 5XX fields (relationships to other expressions) for treaties and in cases of cataloger judgment LC Decisions on … Bibliographic or Authority?
8 LCPS Identify these expressions by adding an attribute to the authorized access point Music resources (6.28.3) Sacred scriptures (6.30.3) Translations and language editions (6.27.3) LC Decisions on … How to Identify Expressions
9 For expressions in other categories, LC will include the expression attributes in other fields in the bibliographic record 336 field (Content type) 264 field (Date of expression -- often the date of manifestation is used) LC Decisions on … How to Identify Expressions
10 Do not add another characteristic to differentiate one expression from another e.g., do not differentiate one translation of Hamlet in French from another French translation e.g., do not differentiate one arrangement of Berlioz’ Corsaire from another arrangement LC Decisions on … How to Identify Expressions
11 Already an AACR2 NAR … If only one expression represented by NAR Use the form in the NAR If more than one expression represented by NAR Do not use that form in your bibliographic 7XX field Instead, give separate access points for each expression in the bibliographic record 7XX fields Already an RDA NAR … Use it in your bibliographic record, even if it includes an additional expression attribute LC wouldn’t include LCPS LC Decisions on … Using Existing NARs
12 “ … contributing to the realization of a work through an expression” Chapter 20 Editors, translators, illustrators, arrangers of music, performers, writers of commentary, and others CORE ELEMENT for LC for illustrators of resources intended for children RDA Appendix I.3.1 for relationship designators Contributors
13 6.27 The basis is the authorized access point for the work Additions as outlined in Constructing the Authorized Access Point Representing an Expression Goncourt, Edmond de, 1822–1896. Frères Zemganno. English.
14 Additions to Authorized Access Points for Expressions content type * (6.9) date of the expression * (6.10) language of the expression * (6.11) another distinguishing characteristic of the expression * (6.12) * if needed to differentiate “and/or”
15 Additions to Access Points for Expressions -- Content Type RDA 6.9 CORE ELEMENT when needed to differentiate “fundamental form of communication in which the content is expressed and the human sense through which it is intended to be perceived...” Take from any source Controlled vocabulary in RDA Access point:in subfield $h 130 $a ____________ $h Spoken word [For the audiobook of a printed text]
16 Content Type Recorded in 336 Field New records One content type present in ILS templates Existing records One content type added by macro May add another field if appropriate Use $3 if multiple components and term does not apply to all
17 Score: 336 $a notated music $2 rdacontent 337 $a unmediated $2 rdamedia 338 $a volume $2 rdacarrier Book or printed text serial: 336 $a text $2 rdacontent 337 $a unmediated $2 rdamedia 338 $a volume $2 rdacarrier Examples of 336 Field (also showing )
18 CD of text: 336 $a text $2 rdacontent 337 $a computer $2 rdamedia 338 $a computer disc $2 rdacarrier Map: 336 $a cartographic image $2 rdacontent 337 $a unmediated $2 rdamedia 338 $a sheet $2 rdacarrier Examples of 336 Field (also showing )
19 Instead of 300 $e, can repeat 300 field 300 $a 244 pages $a 1 CD... Instead of $e, can give a note 500 $a Accompanied by a CD. Book with accompanying CD of lecture: $3 and $e 300 $a 244 pages... + $e 1 CD 336 $3 book $a text $2 rdacontent 336 $3 CD $a spoken word $2 rdacontent 337 $3 book $a unmediated $2 rdamedia 337 $3 CD $a audio $2 rdamedia 338 $3 book $a volume $2 rdacarrier 338 $3 CD $ audio disc $2 rdacarrier Examples of 336 Field (also showing )
20 Additions to Access Points for Expressions -- Date of Expression RDA 6.10 Not a CORE ELEMENT for LC Only for music, sacred scripture, translations No longer add in $f for “Works” and “Works. Selections” Take from any source “earliest date associated with an expression” May use date of manifestation If you find a NAR with this additional element, you may use it; do not create such NARs; do not perform authority maintenance 100 1# $a Bernstein, Leonard, $d $a Works Change!
21 Additions to Access Points for Expressions -- Language of Expression RDA 6.11 CORE ELEMENT when needed to differentiate “language in which a work is expressed” Take from any source Use term(s) from the MARC 21 list of languages Access point: in subfield $l (not repeatable) Distinguish between: one expression in more than one language two or more expressions
22 If One Expression … One language give $l only if a translation More than one language do not give $l unless a translation 100 1# $a Brunhoff, Jean de, $d $a Babar en famille. $l English $a Babar and his children. Tolstoy, Leo, graf, Voi ̆ na i mir.
23 If Two or More Expressions … If the manifestation is a compilation of the original and one translation of the same work record an analytical authorized access point for the original expression (without $l for the language) record a separate analytical authorized access point for the translation (with $l for the language) Examples of AACR2 and RDA on next 2 slides
24 Two Expressions -- Original and One Translation Original + Spanish translation in the same resource AACR # $a eng $a spa $h eng 100 1# $a Macken, JoAnn Early, $d $a Mail carrier. $l Spanish & English $a Mail carrier = $b El cartero / $c JoAnn Early Macken $a Cartero 546 ## $a English and Spanish.
25 Two Expressions -- Original and One Translation Original + Spanish translation in the same resource RDA 041 1# $a eng $a spa $h eng 100 1# $a Macken, JoAnn Early, $d $a Mail carrier = $b El cartero / $c JoAnn Early Macken $a Cartero 546 ## $a English and Spanish $a Macken, JoAnn Early, $d $t Mail carrier $a Macken, JoAnn Early, $d $t Mail carrier. $l Spanish.
26 If Two or More Expressions … If the compilation contains the original expression and more than one translation Record an authorized access point for the original expression (without $l for the language) Record an authorized access point for at least one translation (with $l for the language) Giving additional analytical access points is cataloger judgment.
27 Language Editions (i.e., translation not involved) o Two or more expressions in different languages, and the original expression is not present: record at least one of the translations in an analytical authorized access point. o Two or more expressions of the same work in different languages, and you cannot determine the original: If two language editions, provide analytical authorized access points for each expression and record the language of each in subfield $l If more than two language editions, give analytical authorized access points for the first language edition and at least one other edition.
28 No Longer Use … “Polyglot” Single subfield with multiple languages e.g., “French & English” Provide specific information about all the languages of each expression.
29 Additions to Access Points for Expressions -- Other Distinguishing Characteristic RDA 6.12 CORE ELEMENT when needed to differentiate “a characteristic other than content type, language of expression, or date of expression that serves to differentiate an expression” Take from any source Access point:at end of last subfield unless a separate subfield is available subfield $o for musical expressions (e.g., “arranged”) subfield $s for versions of the Bible, etc
30 Examples – Other Distinguishing Characteristic 130 #0 $a Nutcracker (Choreographic work : Baryshnikov) 130 #0 $a Bible. $l English. $s Authorized. $f 2004
31 Variant Access Points for Expressions -- RDA LC policy: cataloger judgment -- consider if important for user to find or identify Catalogers are users, too May be based on a variant title of the work associated with a particular expression May be a form with a variant of the addition in the authorized access point
32 Examples -- Variant Access Points for Expressions 100 $a Lindgren, Astrid, $d $t Pippi Långstrump. $l English 400 $a Lindgren, Astrid, $d $t Pippi Longstocking 100 $a Hartmann, $c von Aue, $d active 12th century. $t Works. $l English 400 $a Hartmann, $c von Aue, $d active 12th century. $t Arthurian romances, tales, and lyric poetry
33 MARC Authority Fields for Expressions Apply cataloger judgment when deciding whether to include these fields in any name authority records made for expressions. 046: Special coded dates $k beginning or single date created $l ending date created 336: Content type
34 For More Guidance LCPS 6.27 Use established forms in existing NARs If need to create, create RDA NAR Do not create ‘hybrid’ NARs Additional Resources “Refresher documents” R5 and R6 Examples folder for authority records on LC RDA site LC NDMSO MARC page
35 Unit 2: Exercise on Expressions Document R-6 Example 14 Exercise #7 Identifying Expressions
36 Unit 3: Describing Content General Guidelines Content Attributes of Works Content Attributes of Expressions
37 General Guidelines on Describing Content RDA Chapter 7 Sources Take information used to describe content from the resource itself In certain cases the information may be taken from sources outside the resource as well
38 Attributes of Works – Nature of the Content RDA 7.2 Character of primary content Record if considered important Examples: Singspiel in two acts Spreadsheet, with word processing and graphic capabilities
39 Attributes of Works – Coverage of the Content RDA 7.3 Chronological or geographic coverage Record if considered important Examples: Based on 1981 statistics Shows all of western Europe and some of eastern Europe
40 Attributes of Works – Coordinates of Cartographic Content RDA 7.4 Longitude and latitude are CORE for LC Not covered in depth in this class
41 Attributes of Works – Intended Audience RDA 7.7 CORE ELEMENT for LC for resources intended for children Class of user Examples: For children aged 7-9 For remedial reading programs
42 Attributes of Works – Dissertation or Thesis Information RDA 7.9 CORE ELEMENT for LC Formal requirements for a degree Degree; institution; year
43 Attributes of Works – Dissertation or Thesis Information LCPS 502 ## $b Ph.D. $c University of Toronto $d 1974 500 ## $a Revision of the author’s thesis *LC catalogers rarely catalog original theses or dissertations; you will usually construct a 500 field rather than a 502 field
44 Attributes of Expressions – Summarization of the Content RDA 7.10 CORE ELEMENT for LC for fiction intended for children Abstract, summary, synopsis, etc. Record if considered important LCPS on use of MARC fields 520 and 856
45 Attributes of Expressions – Language of the Content RDA 7.12 CORE ELEMENT for LC Record if considered important MARC fields 041 and 546 LCPS In addition to primary content, also supply languages of other content (summaries, tables of contents, etc.) if it will assist in identification and selection Use form of name found in MARC Code List for Languages
46 Attributes of Expressions – Form of Notation RDA CORE ELEMENT for LC for some scripts and for form of musical notation Set of characters and/or symbols used to express the written language content Examples: 1. Devanagari 2. Armenian Cyrillic (Resource written in both scripts) LCPS
47 Attributes of Expressions – Supplementary Content RDA 7.16 CORE ELEMENT for LC for indexes and bibliographies in monographs Record if considered important MARC fields 504 and 500
48 Attributes of Expressions – Bibliographies and Indexes LCPS Routinely for: bibliographical references, discographies, filmographies, indexes, appendices, errata slips not printed as part of the publication If bibliographical citations in any form, generally use: 504 ## $a Includes bibliographical references. If a single bibliography, add the foliation/pagination: 504 ## $a Includes bibliographical references (pages ). If an index to its own contents: 500 ## $a Includes index. 500 ## $a Includes indexes. Bibliography and index notes may be combined: 504 ## $a Includes bibliographical references and index.
49 Attributes of Expressions – Music Resources 3 LC CORE ELEMENTS Form of musical notation (7.13.3) Format of notated music (7.20) Medium of performance of musical content (7.21)
50 Attributes of Expressions – Cartographic Resources 4 LC CORE ELEMENTS Horizontal scale (7.25.3) Vertical scale (7.25.4) Additional scale information (7.25.5) Projection of cartographic content (7.26)
51 Unit 4: Exercise on Content Exercise #8Describing Content
52 Appendix 1: Creators, Contributors, and Relationship Designators RDA Appendix I I.2. Relationship Designators for Persons, Families, and Corporate Bodies Associated with a Work I.2.1. Relationship Designators for Creators I.2.2. Relationship Designators for Other Persons, Families, or Corporate Bodies Associated with a Work I.3. Relationship Designators for Persons, Families, and Corporate Bodies Associated with an Expression I.3.1. Relationship Designators for Contributors
53 Appendix 2: Miscellaneous Changes from AACR2 Primarily special formats Motion pictures Scriptures Music Law “There is no limit on the number of authorized access points for compilations of works by different persons, families, or corporate bodies”