Primary Magnet Program Information T.P.E.S.
Contents New MCPS Curriculum Components of the TPES Program – Magnet
New Integrated Curriculum Math Reading/Language Arts Writing Science/ Social Studies Instruction of these content areas is developed under a common theme.
Primary Magnet Program Design Reading & Writing Students will be heterogeneously grouped for homeroom based on reading levels Included in the reading programs will be Junior Great Books William & Mary (Grade 2) Words Their Way Spelling
Primary Magnet Program Design MATH Curriculum compacting in all math classes Integrated Instruction with imbedded acceleration Accelerated math classes
Primary Magnet Program The magnet program is one tool for providing educational opportunities for students Teachers plan instruction specifically for advanced learners to provide challenging content, assignments, and instructional grouping within the classroom
Components of Program Successful completion of William and Mary Literature Unit (Grade 2) Inquiry-based language arts program, Junior Great Books Research Projects Flexible groupings for instruction of Reading and Language Arts Accelerated Math classes Enrichment Clusters
What is William and Mary? The goals of this unit include… Literary analysis and Interpretation Figurative language Persuasive writing Analogical reasoning
William and Mary Conceptual Understanding of Change Children are engaged in a series of reading, writing, discussion, and non-verbal hands-on activities.
Junior Great Books Inquiry-based language arts program Goal: Increase creative thinking about literature through questioning strategies and discussion. Story is read aloud Vocabulary discussed in context Questions generated and discussed
Junior Great Books Pullout with Mrs. H. Grade 1 Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays 2:00 – 3:00 Grade 2 Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays 10:45 – 11:45 Students will meet three days per week for three weeks – total of nine sessions. Follow-up activities will continue with parent volunteers.
Junior Great Books Pullout with Parent Volunteers Parents will be trained to facilitate selected stories from the JGB collection Training Dates Grade 1: Thursday, September 15 9:30 am Grade 2: Tuesday, September 20 9:30 am
Research Projects Activities and projects will be related to Junior Great Books stories read and discussed in Mrs. Hockman’s pull-out groups Examples Puppet Show Play Nonfiction Research
Enrichment Clusters Clusters meet weekly Clusters will be project- based or performance task oriented Students will have the opportunity to change clusters at the end of the semester