World Map pre-test On the blank sheet of paper provided, draw and label the following: – Draw: All continents (does not have to be perfect) – Label: All continents Directions : NSEW Oceans The Equator 1 line indicating longitude, 1 line indicating latitude The following countries: USA, Canada, China, India, Mexico, France, Italy, Great Britain, Brazil, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iraq, Korea, Argentina, Nigeria, Indonesia
Agenda 1) Write the following in your agenda: HW (homework) Due Wed. Vocabulary & Cornell Notes for Chapter 1, Section 1. (pages 6-10) 2) Copy the chart below into your notebook. Vocabulary terms: nomads, hominid, artifacts, agriculture, domestication, Neolithic Agricultural Revolution, anthropologist, archaeologist, Paleolithic, culture, civilization (11 terms total) – Complete the homework in your notebook, do not tear it out. TermPOS (part of speech) DefinitionUse in a sentence (your own words) 1. NomadNoun 2. Hominid 3. Artifact 4. Agriculture
First & Last Name Period, Date Chapter, Page numbers Questions, Headings Subtitles, Class Notes 2”2” 3 to 4 sentence summary across the bottom of the last page of the day’s notes
First & Last Name Period, 9/8/14 Chapter 1, Pages 6-10 Prehistoric Peoples Exploring Prehistory How many skeletons of hominids have been discovered? How different were early humans from us? What type of art did early man create? Notes: -Anthropologists have discovered a lot about hominids (humans and earlier human-like creatures) such as: what they looked like, how long they lived. They study the remains of skeletons. -Archaeologists study artifacts (art, tools etc.), not skeletons. 2”2” 3 to 4 sentence summary across the bottom of the last page of the day’s notes
Objective: SWBAT (students will be able to) correctly label important geographic features of the earth. 1) Receive your practice map and a blank world map. 2) Turn to page A1 in your textbook. Use this map to correctly label. (next slide)
Using the textbook label: All 5 oceans (Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, Southern) Hemispheres : East & West Lines of degree: Equator, Prime Meridian, Tropic of Cancer & Capricorn 1 line of longitude, 1 line of latitude For the continents, label: 1) Asia 2) Africa3) South America 4) North America 5) Australia6) Antarctica 7) Europe Also the following countries: USA, Canada, China, India, Mexico, France, Italy, Great Britain, Brazil, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iraq, Korea, Argentina, Nigeria, Indonesia
Directions: Answer the following questions using your textbook. You do not need to write out the questions (unless you need to finish this for homework). 1) Who is the publisher of this text, and what is the copyright date? – Answer: – The publisher of our textbook is________. The copyright date is______. 2) How many units and chapters are there? 3) Beginning and ending (approximately) dates covered in text? 4) What does the “Then & Now” section teach you? 5) 6) What is the purpose of the “Young people in history” section? 7) What is the purpose of the entries on pages xviii-xix? 8) Same question as # 7, but for pages xxii-xxv 9) How many glossaries are there? Why more than one? 10) When might you use pages R33-R63?