HOMEWORK: TEXTBOOK NOTES World Cultures 9 Chapter 3 Sec. 1 Name:____________________________________________ Due Date:________________________________________ Directions: -This homework is worth 5 points. To receive full credit, you must thoroughly complete the entire assignment. -Carefully read the assigned section of the textbook and then fill in the outline with notes on the information. Chapter 3 Section 1: The Shape of the Land (p. 59 – 64) What is Africa’s relative location in the world? How have landforms influenced movement across Africa? What natural resources are important to African nations? OUTLINE NOTES A Vast Continent Landforms
OUTLINE NOTES Rivers Natural Resources
HOMEWORK: TEXTBOOK NOTES World Cultures 9 Chapter 3 Sec. 2 Name:_______________________________ Due Date:___________________________ Directions: -This homework is worth 5 points. To receive full credit, you must thoroughly complete the entire assignment. -Carefully read the assigned section of the textbook and then fill in the outline with notes on the information. Chapter 3 Section 2: Climate and Diversity (p. 64 - 71) How do climates differ across Africa? What ways of life did Africans develop? How do Africa’s languages reflect its cultural diversity? OUTLINE NOTES The Roles of Latitude and Elevation Rainfall Four Major Climate Zones Tropical Wet Climate Region
OUTLINE NOTES Tropical Wet and Dry Climate Region Deserts Mediterranean Climate Zones Climate and Health Population Patterns Adapting to the Land Languages
HOMEWORK: TEXTBOOK NOTES World Cultures 9 Chapter 4 Section 2 Name:_______________________________ Due Date:___________________________ Directions: -This homework is worth 5 points. To receive full credit, you must thoroughly complete the entire assignment. -Carefully read the assigned section of the textbook and then fill in the outline with notes on the information. -After you have finished reading the text and completing the outline, review your notes and then in the column on the right create questions based on the information you wrote down. Use these questions to help you prepare for the chapter assessments. Chapter 4 Section 2: Patterns of Life (p. 85 – 92) What cultural ties united people in African societies? How did the role of women vary in different African cultures? How did religion reflect the cultural diversity of Africa? OUTLINE NOTES Family Ties Patterns of Government Economic Organization Lives of Women
OUTLINE NOTES Inheritance and Descent The Age-Grade System Old Ways of Learning Together African Religions
HOMEWORK: TEXTBOOK NOTES World Cultures 9 Chapter 4 Section 3 Name:_______________________________ Due Date:___________________________ Directions: -This homework is worth 5 points. To receive full credit, you must thoroughly complete the entire assignment. -Carefully read the assigned section of the textbook and then fill in the outline with notes on the information. Chapter 4 Section 3: The Slave Trade (p. 93 – 96) Why did Europeans become interested in Africa? Why were millions of Africans sent as slaves to the Americas? How did the Atlantic slave trade affect Africa? OUTLINE NOTES Exploring the Coast of Africa Trade in Human Beings
HOMEWORK: TEXTBOOK NOTES World Cultures 9 Chapter 4 Section 3 Name:_______________________________ Due Date:___________________________ OUTLINE NOTES Ending the Slave Trade Effects of the Slave Trade
HOMEWORK: TEXTBOOK NOTES World Cultures 9 Chapter 4 Section 4 Name:_______________________________ Due Date:___________________________ Directions: -This homework is worth 5 points. To receive full credit, you must thoroughly complete the entire assignment. -Carefully read the assigned section of the textbook and then fill in the outline with notes on the information. -After you have finished reading the text and completing the outline, review your notes and then in the column on the right create questions based on the information you wrote down. Use these questions to help you prepare for the chapter assessments. Chapter 4 Section 4: Age of European Imperialism (p. 97 – 101) Why did Europeans carve up Africa into colonies? How did technology help Europeans divide Africa? How did Africans resist European imperialism? What groups fought for control of Southern Africa? OUTLINE NOTES Europeans Explore Africa European Motives The Scramble for Colonies African Resistance Struggle for Southern Africa
HOMEWORK: TEXTBOOK NOTES World Cultures 9 Chapter 4 Section 5 Name:_______________________________ Due Date:___________________________ Directions: -This homework is worth 5 points. To receive full credit, you must thoroughly complete the entire assignment. -Carefully read the assigned section of the textbook and then fill in the outline with notes on the information. Chapter 4 Section 5: Effects of European Rule (p. 102 – 104) What methods did Europeans use to rule their colonies? What economic changes did European rule bring to Africa? How did European rule affect African cultures? What material improvements did Europeans introduce? OUTLINE NOTES New Political and Economic Systems Material Improvements Currents of Change
HOMEWORK: TEXTBOOK NOTES World Cultures 9 Chapter 5 Section 1 Name:_______________________________ Due Date:___________________________ Directions: -This homework is worth 5 points. To receive full credit, you must thoroughly complete the entire assignment. -Carefully read the assigned section of the textbook and then fill in the outline with notes on the information. Chapter 5 Section 1: Winning Independence (p. 107 – 111) How did nationalism help shape modern Africa? How did African nations win independence? How does the colonial past affect modern African nations? OUTLINE NOTES African Nationalism
HOMEWORK: TEXTBOOK NOTES World Cultures 9 Chapter 5 Section 1 Name:_______________________________ Due Date:___________________________ New Nations Emerge The Colonial Legacy
HOMEWORK: TEXTBOOK NOTES World Cultures 9 Chapter 5 Section 2 Name:_______________________________ Due Date:___________________________ Directions: -This homework is worth 5 points. To receive full credit, you must thoroughly complete the entire assignment. -Carefully read the assigned section of the textbook and then fill in the outline with notes on the information. Chapter 5 Section 2: Steps Toward Development (p. 111 – 116) What political challenges do African nations face? How have African nations tried to solve their economic problems? How has the population explosion strained Africa’s resources? OUTLINE NOTES Building Governments Economic Systems Economic Choices and Challenges The Population Explosion
HOMEWORK: TEXTBOOK NOTES World Cultures 9 Chapter 6 Section 1 Name:_______________________________ Due Date:___________________________ Directions: -This homework is worth 5 points. To receive full credit, you must thoroughly complete the entire assignment. -Carefully read the assigned section of the textbook and then fill in the outline with notes on the information. Chapter 6 Section 1: Regional and Global Issues (p. 133 -138) How do the goals of the Organization of African Unity reflect the interdependence of African nations? Why do African nations take an active role in the United Nations? How did African nations respond to Cold War issues? How are African using science and technology to solve problems? OUTLINE NOTES Regional Cooperation International Ties The Cold War and After Continuing Concern Over Debt
HOMEWORK: TEXTBOOK NOTES World Cultures 9 Chapter 6 Section 2 Name:_______________________________ Due Date:___________________________ Directions: -This homework is worth 5 points. To receive full credit, you must thoroughly complete the entire assignment. -Carefully read the assigned section of the textbook and then fill in the outline with notes on the information. Chapter 6 Section 2: The Republic of South Africa (p. 139 – 142) What was the purpose of apartheid? How did apartheid affect the lives of South Africans? Why did South Africa move toward democracy? OUTLINE NOTES A Policy of Forced Segregation Struggle Against Apartheid Steps Toward Change