Curriculum Reading Language Math Science Social Studies
Reading The focus is on predicting, clarifying, making connections, questioning, summarizing, and understanding the author’s purpose. Whole group and guided reading groups Reading records due every Monday
Reading (cont.) We will be doing book reports throughout the year. Each report will explore a different genre. Books must be in their AR level. We will work on each book report for about four weeks. The projects will be double weighted to reflect the time spent working on them.
Reading Con’t. AR Component – After each story we read in the Reading Anthology, students can take an AR test. Students Reading grade will include their highest AR test taken during each grading period. The book must be in their reading level. We will have a time for AR reading/tests every day.
Language The language grade will consist of grammar, spelling, punctuation, dictionary skills, and writing. Writing is apprx. 70% of the LA grade on the report card. We will have a Writer’s Workshop every day.
Language Con’t. Spelling – Students will have a weekly spelling contract/menu. The contract will be passed out on Monday and is due on Friday. The students will choose one appetizer, one entrée, and one dessert to complete. Spelling tests will be every Friday (or Thursday if Friday is a day off of school). The test will have 20 words and I will give two extra credit words from the challenge list.
Writing Students will be writing in a writer’s notebook daily. We will incorporate mini-lessons that will help them to write narrative, persuasive, expository, pieces.
Math Students need to know basic +, -, & x facts. Practice at home with flashcards. Student’s will be working on our “Fastt Math” program daily. They should master x by the end of 4 th grade. Topics of Study: geometry, place value, multiplication, division, decimals, estimation, powers of 10, fractions, perimeter, area, percents, symmetry, reflections, weight, volume, capacity, rates.
Math Con’t. There is a student reference book (SRB) that students may bring home to help with homework. Study Links (ie: SL 1.8) will be given almost every night. These cover skills that we went over in class that day. A math letter is also sent home before each new unit. Please keep it and refer back to it as necessary.
Math (cont.) We now have an Everyday Math website for teachers and families and an IXL website! You will receive a user name and login, and will have access to an online reference book, and games that correlate with lessons Our curriculum (Everyday Math) is correlated with Illinois state standards.
Science Units of Study: Magnetism and Electricity, Rock and Minerals, and Structures of Life. Foss Science is a hands-on curriculum in which students are actively involved in their learning.
Social Studies **In 4th grade, we will be studying the regions of the United States and will be studying the economy, history, & geography of each **Students are expected to know all states and capitals by the end of 4th grade.** We will have state/capital tests by region, and one 50 state test at the end of the year. Students will need 3 ring binder (1 ½ inch or larger). This will be used for a scrapbook and travel log. It will be kept at school.
Handwriting Assignments that I can not read will not be accepted. Math is ALWAYS done in pencil! This includes math homework!
Homework Students will be given a grade based on completed homework assignments and reading records. Homework is 20% of the final grade. If they do not turn in their work, or it is incomplete ~an incomplete work slip will be sent home. It needs to be signed and brought back the next day. During the incomplete work session, your child will complete the assignment. Once it is complete, their grade may be raised to no higher than an 80%. Missing work sessions – 2:30-3:00.
Homework (cont.) Each student will receive one homework “SLIDE” per grading period. This can be used if an assignment is left at home, incomplete, lost, eaten by the dog Only one slide will be given each grading period, and it is the student's responsibility to hold on to it. “Slides” are only valid for the current grading period.
Homework Con’t. WHAT WILL 4 TH GRADE HOMEWORK BE? Reading Record(due every Monday) Spelling Contract (due every Friday) Math Study Links 4-5 X’s a week Any work that is not completed at school Book reports
Grades Tests/Quizzes/Projects – 50% Classwork – 30% Homework – 20% (please have child complete their OWN homework) Total – 100% Four report cards a year – progress reports halfway through each grading period.
Assignment Notebook & Take Home Folders Students will write down all assignments each night – even if they are completed. I tell them to put a check mark by what they have completed. Please initial at that bottom of their assignment notebook every day. **Please do not empty the take home folder without your child. Let your child empty their own folders. They should be using the take home/return to school sides correctly.** Your student is responsible for emptying their folder at school. I will not do it for them.
Website & News Please use the school and class website to keep up-to-date on homework and happenings. Check the site often for updates and important information. You may contact me via school phone at or via at
Expectations Are you ready for the beach? Be Respectful Eyes and Ears are Listening Act Responsibly Cooperate with Others Hands and Feet to Yourself
Friday Folders Your child will have a Friday Folder. Graded work will be returned on Fridays and the folder should be returned on Mondays with a parent signature. *There will be a parent signature sheet attached to the folder. Your child’s report card grades should not be a surprise.
Snacks We will have a snack time each day around 1:00. Please make the snacks HEALTHY!! Our district’s wellness policy states that food students bring in needs to be healthy and includes classroom holiday parties. We are also asking that treats and drinks do not come in this year for birthdays. We will still celebrate the celebrate, just not with food
Brownie Points Using incentives for positive behavior is a wonderful way to motivate students to do the right thing. The system I use to reward the entire class for positive behavior is called Brownie Points. The students earn brownie points by getting compliments for great behavior from other teachers, working together as a class on assignments, hard work from all students during literacy or math stations, or any other thing they do as a class that shows great behavior! When the pan is full of brownies, the kids get a class reward to celebrate their hard work! (extra recess, lunch with teacher, ½ hour of game time, etc).
Book Orders Once a month –Book orders that come home can be sent back with order & payment –CHECKs make payable to Scholastic Book Clubs –Cash? Send exact amount
Conferences Wednesday, November 14 th 12:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Send back conference time selection ASAP. Please mark with 1 st, 2 nd, and 3 rd choice. Late conferences fill up fast!
Helpers/Party Sign-Up Sign the volunteer sheet at the back table if you are interested in volunteering for a party or sending in a treat. You will be contacted at a later date. Party money - $5 Thank You!
Where to now? Please take a moment on your way out or to your next classroom to stop by the gym and sign your family up for the Winthrop Harbor PTO (Parent Teacher Organization). They do SO much for our students and run solely on volunteers. I believe membership is $5.00 per family this year. They are hoping for 100% participation.