October 2, 2014 Teri Dowty~ School Counselor Welcome to Middle School!!!
Today’s Agenda Opening ActivityOpening Activity What to Expect DevelopmentallyWhat to Expect Developmentally Developmental GoalsDevelopmental Goals 6 th Grade Expectations6 th Grade Expectations ScheduleSchedule OrganizationOrganization HomeworkHomework CommunicationCommunication Getting InvolvedGetting Involved Words of AdviceWords of Advice Meet Your CounselorMeet Your Counselor
What to expect….physically: Huge appetite for food, physical activity, and talking! Growth spurt of early adolescence for some girls Constant motion; restless Possibly more illnesses Need for more sleep Good fine motor capability
What to expect….cognitively: Increased ability to think abstractly May show emerging ability/skill in particular area Can and will see both sides of an argument High interest in current events, social justice, pop culture, and materialism
What to expect….socially: Moody, sensitive Testing the limits Impulsive, talks before thinking Argumentative; likes to debate Struggles with decision making Self-absorbed Appreciates humor Extremes of emotions Peer importance/acceptance increases
DEVELOPMENTAL GOALS FOR 6 th GRADERS 1.Self-advocacy 2.Independence 3.Problem solving Students – learning life skills Parents – walking the fine line of helping versus fostering dependence
CORE CLASSES Math Language Arts Social Studies Science Computer/Study Skills, Nonfiction Writing, Arts & Literacy Unified Arts –FCS, Art, Tech Ed
Music –Band –Chorus –Orchestra –Music Matrix P.E. Health Study Hall Math or Reading Intervention ENCORE CLASSES
6th GRADE SCHEDULE 8:05 - 8:10HOMEROOM 8:10 - 9:05CORE 9:05 - 9:50ENCORE 9: :50CORE 10: :50CORE 11: :35ENCORE 12:35 - 1:05LUNCH 1:05 - 2:10CORE 2:10 – 2:40FLEX
The Organizational Nightmare! Getting out the door in the Morning Locker Bringing Materials Home Binders Bedroom Personal Belongings Developmentally: peer acceptance on their mind, testing limits, wanting independence, impulsivity
Helpful Ideas Checklist or visual reminders Pack up the night before Decide on clothes at night Keep needed materials in one place or bag Set a routine Compromise Discuss expectations Respect differences Routine clean out of binders/ in doubt put in envelope, School open late into the evening Encourage locker clean out Ask if organization is working for them Have supplies handy
Homework!!! Planner Use, 4 subjects daily, parent signature daily Expect an hour to an hour and a half of HW daily, Back-ups to planbook: study buddies; website. How & when to get help ~ Flex, after school.
What does self advocacy look like in regards to homework? Your child doesn’t understand how to do the homework… Parent ask..“What can you do to get the help you need?” Available Options: 1. Student can call a friend 2. Student can their teacher 3. Student can look on team page 4. Student can ask teacher next day before school or during flex
Communication School Website / team page Parent Portal Planner Signatures Phone Calls Parent/Team Conference
Please encourage daily attendance to school. If absent for less than 3 days student will need to get assignments by: –Checking website –Calling their study buddy ~ See teachers next day before school, during flex, or make plans to stay after If absent for 3 days or more, please call the Guidance Secretary for a homework request in the morning. Attendance
Grading Progress Reports are sent home at the mid-point of each trimester(Oct. 9 th ). The purpose of progress reports are to alert parents/guardians and students of academic difficulties and successes. Parent Portal provides ongoing feedback Report cards are sent home at the end of each trimester. Report cards are based on a numerical grading system.
EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Why are they important for 6 th graders? * Social aspects *Getting to know themselves *Feeling connected to school
The Power of Parents!!! *Your children need you more than ever! *They also still need patience, love, guidance, and LOTS of attention. *Listen to them…a good rule of thumb: listen three times as much as you talk! *Stay calm…don’t sweat the small stuff. *Keep your sense of humor!
Advice from our 6 th grade teachers and counselors… Guide, don’t do the homework Your child should be enjoying school, even though we have high expectations Don’t get wrapped up in your child’s drama Keep your lines of communication open Listen more, talk less, lecture the least Put school responsibility as a top priority Encourage independence but still monitor Encourage new friendships; get to know their friends
Thank you for being an Involved TE Parent!!
School Counselors’ Assignments If you have questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact your child’s counselor. Patricia LakomyEVERGREEN Maggie LevraultLIME Alison JenningsSAGE