Matthewstown proudly presents A Town Meeting For Resident Leaders Meeting Date: Thursday, September 27, 2012 Town Leader: Mrs. Matthews Fifth Grade
CONVERSING Ways to reach me: Voice mail: x Written letter
Friday Folders SCA and administrative paperwork graded classwork Please be sure to sign the folder on the designated line and send the folder back to school on the following Monday.
Look What’s Ahead— notification of a project or test Any grade received that is below a 70 will be sent home in their Friday folder to be signed and returned.
Parent Conferences Share individual information about your child’s progress. (Nov 5 th,6 th,7 th )
positive and structured environment students behave appropriately maximum learning accomplishing tasks all students are learning climate is conducive to learning Therefore, I cannot allow any student to prevent me from teaching and/or any student from learning. My Philosophy:
Town Rules Treat others with respect, the same way you want to be treated. Raise your hand to speak. Wait your turn to speak when someone else is speaking. Respect school property and the property of others.
Town Consequences Consequences: Verbal warning to student Note to parent, identify as unacceptable Loss of privileges, phone call home Parent conference, meeting with principal
Procedures Please contact the office staff when your child is absent. Your child must go home on their designated bus. If a change is made, then I need a note giving your permission.
If you pick your child up early: Please go to the office and sign them out. If your child will not be riding the school bus on a certain day, you must send in a signed/dated note notifying us.
Courses Language Arts: Reading Writing Spelling Listening Speaking Reading Comprehension Quarterly, class novel (ie., Maniac Magee) as well as Guided Reading Books. Themes: Choices, Leadership, Morals (Integrity), and Diversity.
Listening to a classmate share. Sharing an activity orally in class or in a group. Completing Daily Oral Language sentences in which mistakes in capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and usage are corrected. Writing, proofreading, and/or publishing a story that has been written in class.
MATH Math in Focus, Singapore Math
Science Hands-on Macmillan Textbook
SOCIAL STUDIES Geography Early American Civilizations Exploration Colonial America
Students are expected to proofread all final drafts and correct any spelling errors.
GRADING Tests Class Work Homework Projects
Homework The purpose of homework is: to reinforce skills and concepts learned in the classroom and to develop responsibility, organizational skills, and study habits.
If a homework assignment is forgotten: Please call a friend and complete on plain paper. Homework includes the following: 1. Nightly Spelling Homework --sort-it, add-it, fix-it, finish-it, stretch-it, and find-it (in varying order), and quiz on Friday. 2. Other -- Homework will also include on varying basis writing, science, social studies, and the assignment math work from your child’s math instructor.
FIFTH GRADE RESPONSIBILITIES AND PRIVILEGES Fifth Grade Research Project The Museum of Influential People CAPS Kindergarten Helpers Nurse Helpers Photographers Lockers Possible Class trips: Adventure Aquarium Fifth Grade Picnic
Miscellaneous Birthday parties, please send napkins 23 students in the class Specials Monday--- Art Tuesday--- Library Wednesday--- Gym Thursday--- Music Friday--- Gym
Thank you for coming!!!