Top Elements to Make a Great Teacher Website by Schoolwires Webacademy Julia Graham- Chapman
Top Elements to Make a Great Teacher Website 1. Contact Information 2. Welcome Message 3. Teacher Bio/Photograph 4. Syllabus/Description/ Objectives 5. Homework Assignments 6. Calendar of Events with Test/Quiz Schedule 7. Learning Resources 8. Classroom Rules and Policies 9.Class Showcase/Class News 10. Activities to Energize Learning
Top Elements to Make a Great Teacher Website The top ten components listed are essential elements for a teacher webpage. If you have an updated message, visitors know that your page is active. It is always important to have a way to contact and communicate with a teacher and to have homework, syllabus, and schedule listed. The article also mentioned how that it is important to keep your website fresh, organized, professional, and to always have a purpose.
Top Elements to Make a Great Teacher Website My thoughts I was very pleased to see the key components this article has as to what makes a webpage successful match up to exactly what I plan on incorporating into my webpage. I believe that a teacher webpage should include the 10 components that were mentioned.
Top Elements to Make a Great Teacher Website Reference (there is not much site information given on this article) Schoolwires webacademy.(2006) /lib/ /Teacher_Ti ps.pdf