CONTEXT Executive Board: “Develop a robust system for tracking resource allocation & expenditures on gender equality results” UNICEF conducted a review (2009) of partner practices in the tracking of investments in gender OECD/DAC tool: Gender Equality Policy Marker found to be a useful tool UNDP & IASC have begun using modified versions of the OECD/DAC marker
INTRODUCTION ProMS 9.1 Release Note has been issued to COs All COs will be expected to have developed: Programme component results (PCRs) Intermediate results (IRs) Corresponding indicators by 31 December 2010
REVISED PROGRAMME STRUCTURE Country Programme PCR 1 IR PCR 2 PCR 3 PCR Cross-sectoral PCR Support
Purpose of the GEM Track programme budget expenditures on gender equality in ProMS 9.1 at Intermediate Results level Sensitize programme staff to assist in developing Intermediate Results that advance gender equality and/ or girls’ and women’s empowerment
USING THE GEM It will be applied: At the CO and RO levels. To intermediate results that receive an allocation of programme funds.
Main elements Intermediate results and corresponding indicators Four categories of rating Category 0 No contribution to gender equality Category 1 Marginal contribution to gender equality Category 2 Significant contribution to gender equality Category 3 Principal objective to advance gender equality
Indicator (s)measure how gender equality will be advanced category 3 = PRINCIPAL Category 3 Gender equality and/or girls’/women’s empowerment is a principal objective of the IR Indicator (s)measure how gender equality will be advanced Example: IR: Legal and policy frameworks protect girls from FGM/C Indicators: Prevalence (percent) of FGM/C among adolescent girls Number of survivors of FGM/C receiving services Number of cases of FGM/C prosecuted Per cent of reported cases of FGM/C prosecuted Number of court decisions on FGM/C implemented
category 2 = SIGNIFICANT Gender equality and/or girls’/women’s empowerment is a secondary objective of the IR Indicator (s) measure how gender equality will be advanced Example: IR: Increased access to safe water supply, adequate sanitation and hygiene facilities for children in 500 primary schools Indicator: Percent of schools with separate, lockable, safe water supply, adequate sanitation and hygiene facilities for girls
category 1 = MARGINAL Category 1 Example: Gender equality and/or girls’/women’s empowerment is not a specific objective of the IR Indicator(s) disaggregated by sex, etc., but does not show how gender equality will be advanced Example: IR: By the end of 2014, ministries, institutions and civil society organizations systematically monitor child rights to influence the implementation of national strategies, plans and programmes addressing poverty and exclusion of children and families. Indicator: Statistical agencies at all levels and Ministries provide data, updated and disaggregated by sex, on the situation of children and young people, in line with national strategies.
Category 0 = NO CONTRIBUTION IR not expected to contribute to gender equality Indicator(s) does not show how gender equality will be advanced Example: IR: By the end of 2013, the percentage of children from 60 prioritized municipalities who have not completed their primary education, has been reduced by 6 per cent. Indicators: Per cent of children who complete their primary education in prioritized municipalities. Per cent of children passing their primary grades
GEM IN PROMS 9.1 (1)
GEM IN PROMS 9.1 (2)
Entering Indicators
Programme Support Results DO NOT RATE Country Programme PCR 1 IR PCR 2 PCR 3 PCR Cross-sectoral PCR Support
Some issues to consider…
This is not a word game…don’t just add ‘gender’, ‘girls’, ‘women’
Give an honest rating
The GEM cannot be applied to IRs without indicators
For a rating of 3 or 2, indicators must measure progress towards gender equality
Gender equality has to do with girls and boys
Results targeting women and girls do not necessarily promote gender equality
Be sure to rate all results transferred from ProMS 8.5
Monitoring and Reporting Office Management Reports by Programme Component & MTSP FA: % of planned and actual expenditure that contributes to gender equality results (rating of 2 and 3) % of IRs with at least a significant gender equality focus Reports to be used for monitoring at Country, Regional and HQ levels and for reporting to the Executive Board
Resources Guidance note and PPT on gender intranet site (go to Gender Marker button): Reports: bin/cognosisapi.dll? FAQs coming soon! (on gender intranet site)
GEM Team Contact Info. Samuel Momanyi: Noreen Khan: Mita Gupta: