Literacy RWI will continue as appropriate for children on the programme. For those who have moved onto Language and Literacy, we will be looking at stories with a familiar setting with a focus on the text Chatterbox Ben. We will be reading, discussing and writing our own stories as well as looking at some grammar. We will continue with our other weekly Literacy activities such as Big Writing, Handwriting and Spellings. Check out the link texts and suggestions for further reading on the next page… Article 29: You have the right to learn things and develop your skills in literacy. Year 2 Summer
Further reading – Stories with a familiar setting Dogger– Shirley Hughes Dear Bear – Joanna Harrison The Tiger Who Came to Tea– Judith Kerr The Night Pirates – Peter Harris My Two Grannies– Floella Benjamin “The Trouble with Dogs!”– Bob Graham An Evening at Alfie’s- Shirley Hughes Not Old Enough- Charlotte Middleton
Further reading – Stories with a familiar setting Five Minutes’ Peace– Jill Murphy Get Lost, Laura!– Jennifer Northway The Gordon Star– Rebecca Patterson Oscar Got the Blame– Tony Ross Amazing Grace– Mary Hoffman
Maths Here are the topics we will be covering in numeracy this half term: 1. Finding the difference by counting on. 2. Classifying and describing common 2d and 3d shapes, including irregular shapes. 3. Recognising halves and quarters of shapes and numbers of objects. 4. Looking at pairs of multiples of 10 to total 100/ Estimating, measuring and comparing capacities in millilitres and litres. 6. Adding and beginning to subtract a 1-digit number to and from a multiple of Organising and interpreting information in a graph. RRS Article 29: You have the right to learn things and develop all your skills to the best of your abilities
Science In Science this half term we will be learning about forces and movement. We will be looking at pushes and pulls and how to make things speed up and slow down. We will also investigate the movement of wheeled objects. RRS Article 13: you have the right to find out things by participating in activities and share information with others through talk, pictures and writing.
Geography We will be using the Katie Morag books to learn about life in an island locality and comparing it to life in Burnham. We will find out about human and physical features on an island; people’s jobs; transport; and question whether we would prefer to live on an island or here in Burnham! RRS Article 17: You have the right to find out and share information.
Music This half term our Music express module is “Rain, rain go away- exploring timbre, tempo and dynamics”. Additionally, the children will be listening to, and appreciating, various pieces of classical music including Grieg, Beethoven and Rachmaninov. RRS Article 31: You have the right to experience a wide range of cultural activities. Art/DT This half term we will be making dog puppets for a purpose- The children will investigate textiles and joining techniques to design a hand puppet to use in a class display. RRS Article 29: You have the right to develop your practical skills to the best of your abilities
PE/Games We will start the Summer Term by doing Athletics in games. We are continuing with dance in indoor lessons. We are very lucky this half term as the class are also going to be spending Thursday mornings learning how to ice skate and play hockey! RRS Article 24: You have the right to be healthy and to participate in lots of activities that help you stay healthy. PSHE/RRS In PSHE this term we will be introducing and recapping all the basic rights of children and placing them in a global perspective by looking at children around the world. RRS Article 12: You have the right to express your own opinion and for others to listen to you and take your views seriously. RRS Article 13: You have the right to find out things and share what you think with others.
RE This half term we will continue to look at special books: The Qu’ran, The Torah, and The Guru Granth Sahib. We will read and learn some special stories from the Bible, including Jonah and the Whale. RRS Article 14: You have the right to choose and practise your own religion; we respect the religion and beliefs of others. ICT Year 2 will continue with learning all about coding this half term, using Espresso Coding. RRS Article 28: You have the right to develop all your skills to the best of your abilities
Handed outCollected in MathsFridayMonday Spellings Beginning of every half term- keep your sheet safe and handy! Spelling tests are every Wednesday LiteracyMondayThursday PE days are Monday and Friday. Please make sure you have the correct kit, labeled and in school all week. Earrings must be removed for PE, and long hair tied back. Homework