Explorer Project Mrs. Gudusky Grade 5 Social Studies
Responsibilities School Research Take Notes Create Book Works Cited Home Get books from local library (optional) Map Prepare Costume and Props Type Speech Practice Speech Finish school requirements if you need extra time
1.Explorer’s Life: When and where was the explorer born? When and where did the explorer die? Were the parents wealthy or poor? Share some facts about your explorer’s childhood, youth, education and training. Did other interesting things happen during the life of this explorer? Did the explorer publish autobiographical information? 2.When and Where of the Exploration: Give the major date(s) of the exploration. When did the expedition start, and where did it begin? List major events that occurred during the trip. When and where did the trip end? 3.More Details on the Trip: Describe the vehicle(s) and other supplies used in his/her most famous exploration. Did other people accompany the explorer? Did something interesting happen during the trip? Did your explorer get lost, become ship- wrecked, experience illness or get captured? 4.Who Sent the Explorer: Was the explorer sent or funded by a king or queen? A president? A private group? Was the explorer self-funded? 5.The Importance of the Exploration: Why was this exploration important? What contribution did it make to the world? Also, include any other interesting facts you learned through your research.
1.Use loose leaf paper to take notes on your explorer. 2.Notes should be in your own words. Do NOT use complete sentences. Use bullets and sophisticated organization. 3.Use the content slide guidelines to organize your facts. 4.Be sure to print out the information you find on your explorer. Also, bookmark the sites that you use so your works cited is easier to do at a later time. 5.You must use a minimum of three sources. 6.One of your sources must be a book (encyclopedia, non- fiction picture book, etc.)
Map Requirements Illustrate a map that shows your explorer’s most famous route. This map should be included in in your book. A two-page spread would look great! Include: 1.Title 2.Starting Point Labeled 3.Destination Labeled 4.Countries/States 5.Red Line Showing the Route 6.Key/Legend 7.Compass Rose 8.Neat Handwriting, Coloring and Illustrations You can trace a map if it helps you, but you should not print one out or photocopy a map. Draw it yourself! Be creative with your map depending on the explorer you choose. Be as detailed as possible.
Wax Museum Speech Requirements 1.Time: minutes 2.Speak from the 1 st person (“My Name is Henry Hudson.”) 3.Dress in costume (props are allowed too, but no weapons.) 4.Include an introduction and a conclusion. 5.Facts must be in chronological order. 6.Speech must be memorized! 7.A typed copy of your speech must be turned into your teacher. 8. Practice, practice, and then practice some more!
Book Requirements: to be completed in school (and at home if you need more time) 1.Front cover with illustrations and a title (could be your explorer’s name). Also include your name, your grade and your teacher. 2.Introductory Page 3.All required content about your explorer. See the content slide for more information. 4.Graphics (photos, timelines, maps, charts, drawings, illustrations) need to be included on each page. Pick the best graphics to fit your information. 5.Page for the map of your explorer’s most famous route. See map requirements slide for more information. 6.Conclusion Page 7.Works Consulted Page 8.About the author page. Include a photograph of yourself and a description of yourself. 9.Back cover with illustrations.
Due Dates: Thursday, May 2 nd - Typed Speech Friday, May 10 th – Wax Museum (costume & speech presented) Monday, May 13 th – Book
Wax Museum Schedule Friday, May 10 th, :00 – 11:00 Tina - Lila 2:15 – 3:30 Abby – Bret Start working on your costume!