Review of Revised Travel Policy Senate Council November 29, 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

Review of Revised Travel Policy Senate Council November 29, 2007

2 Policy Review Process  Gerhild Williams chaired a committee of faculty assembled by the Chancellor to review travel policy  Met May 29, 2007 Faculty concerns were expressed Committee requested information from peer universities and examples of travel expense related abuse at Washington University  Reconvened August 28, 2007 Presented requested data Discussed new travel policy recommendations

3 Policy Review Process  Made a few additional revisions based upon faculty concerns  Presented policy to University Council Deans & Vice Chancellors supported it  Met again with the committee of faculty on November 19 th and the revised policy was approved

4 Policy Highlights  Formal approval of travel before the trip is not required  There is not a specific deadline when one can obtain a travel advance in order to cover costs paid up front (i.e. purchasing an airline ticket months in advance of trip to secure lowest airfare)  Travel can be paid for using the following methods: Personal Credit Card Travel Advance Corporate Travel and Entertainment Card Procurement Card

5 Policy Highlights Airfare Registration Hotel Social and entertainment expense while out of town Transportation Meals Catered Events  The Procurement Card may not be used for: Local social and entertainment expenses Items listed on the Procurement Card Unallowable Purchases and Practices document  The Procurement Card may be used for travel expenses including:

6 Policy Highlights  Business class airfare is allowable for trips with flight segments of 5 or more hours  Per diem is not allowed The committee felt that a per diem policy is prone to abuse  Schools or departments may set more restrictive policies

7 Policy Highlights  All travel expenses, including those paid with a Procurement Card, must be entered on a travel expense statement.  Supporting documentation is encouraged for all reimbursable expenses; however, it is only required for individual expenses of $30 or more. Any individual transaction of $30 or more without a receipt requires exception approval.  For a trip of seven or fewer days, exception approval is required if the total of all expenses for which there are no receipts is greater than $210. For longer trips, this limit may increase by $30 per day.

8 Policy Highlights  Travel expense statements must be signed by someone who is at least one level higher than the traveler or by a designee approved by the Controller’s Office. PI’s can sign for travel paid on their research grants. PI’s cannot approve their own travel expense statements.  Exception approval must be obtained from the Dean or Vice Chancellor who has responsibility over the employee’s department. If responsibility is delegated to someone other than the Dean or Vice Chancellor, it cannot be delegated to the person who approves the Travel Report and the designee must be coordinated with the AP Manager and approved by the Controller’s Office.  Exceptions for Deans, Executive Vice Chancellors, and other Senior Management reporting to the Chancellor, will be approved by the CFO or Controller in the CFO’s absence.

9 Comments regarding Procurement Card  Our policy is very liberal compared with the Procurement Card policies of our peer universities.  We feel we can implement this policy due to the requirement that all travel expenses, including those paid by the Procurement Card, must be reflected on a travel report. This accounting best practice will result in the proper approvals being obtained on Procurement Card travel expenses.  All Procurement Card applicants sign a letter of agreement stating they will follow procedures or have their card revoked.  Procurement Card audits will have less tolerance for policy violations. We need to comply with IRS regulations.