Introduction to Working Group 2 Judita Reichenberg, Regional Advisor Child Protection, UNICEF CEE/CIS Family Substitute Services
UNICEFReform of the Child Care System: Taking stock and accelerating action Key resource persons Technical Resource: Ms. Vesna Bosnjak, Rapporteur: Ms. Tanja Radocaj
UNICEFReform of the Child Care System: Taking stock and accelerating action Purpose of the working group Examine role of family substitute services within the continuum of services; Clarify concepts, appropriateness and shortcomings related to each type of family substitute service; Use lessons learned from promotion/use of substitute-family based options; Examine links with de-institutionalisation Agree upon: key lessons, questions for further examination, key conclusions and key recommendations..
UNICEFReform of the Child Care System: Taking stock and accelerating action Family Substitute Services Target groups children without parental care; children separated from parents and living in inadequate or irregular circumstances; children who temporarily cannot be (re)- integrated in their families.
UNICEFReform of the Child Care System: Taking stock and accelerating action Family Substitute Services Types of arrangements Kinship care; Foster care; Short term protected shelter; Institutional care;
UNICEFReform of the Child Care System: Taking stock and accelerating action Agenda Topic I: Parentless and other children without parental care 3 presentations + commentary discussion Topic II: Kinship and foster care 4 presentations + documentary discussion Topic III: Out of home placements in collective settings 2 presentations + commentary Discussion Summing –up and recommendations
UNICEFReform of the Child Care System: Taking stock and accelerating action Expected outcomes Clarifications on scope characteristics of family substitute services; Lessons on streamlining assessment and decision making procedures for last resort- based placement; Suggestion on improving the links between guardianship authorities and the care system; between formal (and informal) kinship care and the statutory ( and support) services Suggestion for steps/measures to diversify foster care to serve different groups of children in need of such care
UNICEFReform of the Child Care System: Taking stock and accelerating action Expected outcomes Challenges and ways forward – on differential treatment of sub. family services when needed for longer period, limited/short period and/or on emergency basis; a child with a disability or chronic medical condition ; Clarification on role/functions of: temporary shelters, small institutions, institutions in transformation and/or in process of downsizing or closure
UNICEFReform of the Child Care System: Taking stock and accelerating action Expected outcomes Agree upon: key lessons, questions for further examination, key conclusions key recommendations