CORPORATE MANAGEMENT SERVICES To provide financial and strategic support services that enhance service delivery by the department (head office & Cape Town) DIRECTORATE COORDINATION AND ADMINISTRATION To manage the day to day operations and provide executive support and management service to the office of the DDG. UNIT CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER (CFO) To render effective and efficient financial, budgeting and supply chain management services to the Accounting Officer in terms of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 and the Treasury Regulations. CHIEF DIRECTORATE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT To manage an efficient and effective Accounting Section within the Department. CHIEF DIRECTORATE SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT To render effective and efficient procurement of goods and services to the department in order to ensure proper implementation of the department’s key focus areas and in particular transformation in SCM. CHIEF DIRECTORATE BUDGET MANAGEMENT To manage an efficient and effective bookkeeping system. Branch: Corporate Affairs
CORPORATE MANAGEMENT SERVICES CHIEF DIRECTORATE FACILITIES MANAGEMENT To manage Facilities, Security, Vetting & Travel Services to meet the operational and strategic needs of the department. Branch: Corporate Affairs CHIEF DIRECTORATE INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY To provide information technology services. CHIEF DIRECTORATE HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT To provide a comprehensive strategic and efficient human capital management service to enable the Department to achieve its objectives. UNIT FINANCIAL AND SUPPORT SERVICES (CAPE TOWN) To provide financial, facilities, procurement, human resources, communications, legal support in Branches OC & Environmental Programmes.
CFO UNIT CHIEF DIRECTORATE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Branch: Corporate Affairs DIRECTORATE FINANCIAL CONTROL AND PUBLIC ENTITIES To manage an efficient and effective bookkeeping system and financial control within the Department. DIRECTORATE BUDGET PLANNING To manage funding for the department through the MTEF process, adjusted estimates and section 16 of the PFMA and co-ordinate manage and control the voted funds from a budget perspective. DIRECTORATE BUDGET CONTROL To manage budget and expenditure control. CHIEF DIRECTORATE BUDGET MANAGEMENT DIRECTORATE FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS To manage an efficient and effective Accounting section within the Department.
CFO UNIT Branch: Corporate Affairs DIRECTORATE ASSET MANAGEMENT To render effective and efficient procurement of asset management to the department. DIRECTORATE DEMAND AND LOGISTICS To render effective and efficient procurement of goods and services to the department. CHIEF DIRECTORATE SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT DIRECTORATE ACQUISITION & CONTRACT MANAGEMENT To render effective and efficient support to line managers when acquiring goods and services, support BEE & economically manage assets of the department.
Branch: Corporate Affairs DIRECTORATE SECURITY & VETTING SERVICES To manage the total security function, travel and vetting services for the department. DIRECTORATE TRAVEL SERVICES To manage travel services to meet the operational and strategic needs of the Department. CHIEF DIRECTORATE FACILITIES MANAGEMENT DIRECTORATE FACILITIES & ADMINISTRATION SERVICES To render Facilities Management and Admin Services for the department.
Branch: Corporate Affairs DIRECTORATE IT BUSINESS SOLUTIONS To develop, manage and maintain Information systems for the Department. DIRECTORATE GOVERNANCE AND ARCHITECTURE To manage and maintain the IT Governance and Enterprise Architecture for the Department. CHIEF DIRECTORATE GOVERNMENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY OFFICER (GITO) DIRECTORATE IT INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICE MANAGEMENT To manage and support the IT infrastructure and IT services.
Branch: Corporate Affairs DIRECTORATE HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT To provide Human Resource development, performance management, labour relations and employee health & wellness services to the department. DIRECTORATE ORGANISATIONAL DESIGN AND INFORMATION To provide an organisational development, information and job evaluation service to the department. CHIEF DIRECTORATE HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT DIRECTORATE HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT To provide a comprehensive strategic human capital management and administration service.
Branch: Corporate Affairs GOAL : A department that is fully capacitated to deliver its services efficiently and effectively STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2011/12 TARGET PROGRESS 2012/13 TARGET CAPACITY TO DELIVER Adequately and appropriately skilled staff Percentage vacancy rate 14%13,4% 12%Adequate Percentage turnover rate 14%5,9%13%Adequate Percentage of implementation of PMDS policy framework 95%71%95%Adequate Percentage implementation of WSP 60%82%60%Adequate
Branch: Corporate Affairs GOAL : A department that is fully capacitated to deliver its services efficiently and effectively STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2011/12 TARGET PROGRESS2012/13 TARGET CAPACITY TO DELIVER Secure, harmonious, transformed and conducive working environment Percentage labour matters processed within prescribed time frames 95%100%95%Adequate Percentage implementation of annual employee wellness schedule 100%75%100%Adequate Percentage of women in DEA 50%56%50%Adequate Percentage of blacks in DEA 90%88%90%Adequate Percentage of people with disabilities in DEA 2%1,5%2%Pool of available skills a challenge
Branch: Corporate Affairs GOAL : A department that is fully capacitated to deliver its services efficiently and effectively STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2011/12 TARGET PROGRESS Secure, harmonious, transformed and conducive working environment Functional New Head-Office Building Construction phase initiated Negotiations are currently at advanced stage. The Draft PPP agreement is being finalised. Percentage compliance with security legislation 100% compliance to security legislation Implementation and monitoring of security compliance measures in place. Security awareness sessions conducted monthly.
Branch: Corporate Affairs GOAL : A department that is fully capacitated to deliver its services efficiently and effectively STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2011/12 TARGET PROGRESS Efficient and effective information technology service Phased implementation of MSP Phase II/III implemented Projects that are identified and funded are currently under implementation Percentage availability of IT services 96% availability of IT services100 %
Branch: Corporate Affairs GOAL : A department that is fully capacitated to deliver its services efficiently and effectively STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2012/13 TARGET CAPACITY TO DELIVER Secure, harmonious, transformed and conducive working environment Functional New Head-Office Building Conclude negotiations and signing of PPP Agreement. Construction phase 1 initiated. The Project team is capable to deliver, dependent on the issuing of relevant Treasury approvals Security threat and risk assessment conducted (according to MISS) and recommendation implemented Annual security threat & risk assessment conducted & all recommendations implemented Threat & Risk assessment is conducted by law enforcement agencies. DEA security policy and directives developed, reviewed Security policy and directives reviewed Adequate Number of security awareness programme implemented 10 awareness sessions conductedAdequate
Branch: Corporate Affairs GOAL : A department that is fully capacitated to deliver its services efficiently and effectively STRATEGIC OBJECTIVEPERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2012/13 TARGET CAPACITY TO DELIVER Efficient and effective information technology service Reviewed and Approved Master System Plan Reviewed and Approved MSP Internal capacity availability Percentage implementation of Funded MSP Initiatives 100 % of Funded MSP Initiatives under implementation SITA Co-operation Funding
Branch: Corporate Affairs GOAL : A department that is fully capacitated to deliver its services efficiently and effectively STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR CHALLENGESOPPORTUNITIES Adequately and appropriately skilled staff Percentage vacancy rate Cooperation from all line managers required to achieve this target Achieving the target should translate into a productive organisation Percentage turnover rate Cooperation from all line managers required to achieve this target Achieving the target should translate into a productive organisation Percentage of implementation of PMDS policy framework Cooperation from all line managers required to achieve this target Achieving the target should translate into a productive organisation Percentage implementation of WSP Cooperation from all line managers required to achieve this target Achieving the target should translate into an effective organisation Secure, harmonious, transformed and conducive working environment Percentage labour matters processed within prescribed time frames Cooperation from all individuals involved and labour required to achieve this target Maintaining discipline and labour peace Percentage implementation of annual employee wellness schedule NoneAchieving the target should translate into a healthy happy productive organisation
Branch: Corporate Affairs GOAL : A department that is fully capacitated to deliver its services efficiently and effectively STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR CHALLENGESOPPORTUNITIES Secure, harmonious, transformed and conducive working environment Percentage of women in DEA Maintaining the current levelInnovative strategies for recruitment and retention Percentage of blacks in DEA Maintaining the current levelInnovative strategies for recruitment and retention Percentage of people with disabilities in DEA Increasing the level while the pool of available skills is limited Closer liaison with organisations for people with disabilities Functional New Head-Office Building Timely submission of TAIII documentation by the Private party Transfer of skills on PPP’s. This skill is not resident in the public sector Security threat and risk assessment conducted (according to MISS) and recommendation implemented Staff compliance to security measures (human element) Cooperation with law enforcement agencies and raising staff awareness on personal security. DEA security policy and directives developed, reviewed Cooperation from branches on policy development process Raising awareness on security issues
Branch: Corporate Affairs GOAL : A department that is fully capacitated to deliver its services efficiently and effectively STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR CHALLENGESOPPORTUNITIES Secure, harmonious, transformed and conducive working environment Number of security awareness programme implemented NoneRaising staff awareness on security issues Efficient and effective information technology service Reviewed and Approved Master System Plan Availability of StaffImproving operational efficiency Percentage implementation of Funded MSP Initiatives Funding SITA Co-operation Improving operational efficiency