Past and Present Educators that have Shaped our Approach to Teaching Susan Shrout, Lisel Pias ,Erin Sullivan, and Nick Coenraad June 24, 2009 EDF 500
Benjamin Bloom Benjamin Bloom was born in 1913 in Lansford, PA. Received a B.A. and M.S. from Penn State in 1935, and Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in 1942. He spent 30 years at the University of Chicago, and it was during this time, that he developed what we know today as Bloom’s Taxonomy. As an American educational psychologist, Bloom published over 17 books, and numerous professional articles. Although Bloom spent most of his professional life at the University of Chicago, where he held the Charles H. Swift Distinguished Service endowed chair, he was also a member of numerous educational associations, most notably the National Academy of Education and the American Educational Research Association before his death in 1999.
Major Accomplishments of Benjamin Bloom Taxonomy of Educational Objectives Classification became the standard for describing objectives and the process to achieve them Revolutionized the process of lesson planning for classroom Nature of Intelligence Nature vs. Nurture controversy Mastery Learning Provide higher quality and more appropriate instruction for students Giftedness Prolific research in this area
Bloom’s Taxonomy Explained
Linda Darling-Hammond Linda Darling-Hammond received her B.A. from Yale University in 1973 and Ed.D., specializing in Urban Education, from Temple University in 1978. She is arguably one of the most profound educational professors/researchers in the United States. In 2006, she was named one of the nation’s top ten most influential people affecting educational policy over the last decade. She has written over 300 articles and books for publication, and has done extensive research on teacher quality and setting benchmarks for educational equity in the U.S. and abroad. As the first educational advisor for then-Senator Barack Obama, she developed his educational benchmarks for his presidential campaign. She was also rumored to be President Obama’s top choice for U.S. Secretary of Education. Since 1998, she has been an education professor and researcher at Stanford University.
Linda Darling-Hammond on: Assessments and Instruction Nation at Risk reaction Assessment Mechanisms and Alternative Assessment The Discrepancy QUALITY, QUALIFIED TEACHERS Initial Qualifications Tests Teach for America INVEST in teachers vs. CONTROLLING teachers A lack of trust Professional Development, home and abroad Need to retain good teachers
Teaching as a Profession PREPARATION Knowledge of Teaching -Teaching Subject Matter -Teaching Diverse Learners -Assessment -Classroom Management Knowledge of Learners and the Development in Socials Contexts -Learning -Human development -Language Knowledge of Subject and Curriculum Goals -Educational Goals and Purposes for Skills, content subject matter Vision of Professional Practice
John Goodlad John Goodlad was born in 1917 in North Vancouver, British Columbia. The Great Depression shaped his childhood and his schooling as he attended a six-room school in a rural setting where higher education was not something he expected to pursue. He was not a traditional university student. He attended summer and correspondence classes at the University of British Columbia and received both his B.A. and M.A. in this fashion. In 1949, he received a Ph.D. in one year from the University of Chicago. He has authored and co-authored over 35 books and published over 200 educational articles. He has held professorships at many universities, but most recently, Goodlad is professor emeritus and co-director of the Center for Educational Renewal at the University of Washington.
John Goodlad Significant contributions Early Period (1947- 1960) Second Period (1960- 1983) Current Positions (1983-present)
Significant Publications John Goodlad has been cited in numerous textbooks over the years. Some of his most cited books are: A Place Called School: Prospects for the Future (1984) Largest on-the-scene study of US schools ever undertaken Results of research dealt with: School culture, classroom culture, school climate Educational aspects of the school and classroom Attitude of students toward education in today’s schools The Moral Dimensions of Teaching (1990) Four moral dimensions are explained