Sexual Assault &Violence Education Task Force Emily Bradley, Andy Kane, Danielle McFarquhar, Melissa Salmon
New Student Family Programs Health/Counseling Services Dean of Students Office Student Organizations Residence Life Campus Police Legal Counsel Office of Community & Ethical Standards
Purpose Mission Foundations S.A.F.E Initiative S.A.F.E. Programming Assessment Policies and Procedures Social Media Resources
President Obama’s task force initiative for sexual violence and sexual misconduct on college campuses Call to action from the VP of Student Affairs Divisional collaboration to create holistic education and awareness
As a task force, we will create a campus culture for students that educates and responds to sexual violence at our university. The task force will address the issue of sexual violence through procedures, programs, campus collaboration, and a social media presence.
Title IX (Dear Colleague letter) Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights Clery Act Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act (SaVE) Violence Against Women Act’s (VAWA) Schlossberg’s Transition Theory Standpoint Theory
Sexual Assault & Violence Free Environment (S.A.F.E) Purpose of this initiative: Influence a culture of sexual safety, peer accountability, healthy relationships, consent and survivor support We Believe in Consent*
S.A.F.E Supporters S.A.F.E 1000 Course Survivor Support Groups Registered Student Organization Training Men’s Education & Accountability Summit Sexual Violence Week Collaboration with New Student Orientation
S.A.F.E. Supporter Training to increase education, awareness, and understanding of sexual violence on campus. A safe environment for campus community members to discuss sexual violence incidents or related issues. Supporter training will include modules on: Facts and myths Unique needs of survivors Rights of those accused Consent University policy and procedure
3 Week Education Mandatory Pass/Fail for all new students Cohort Style, Approximately 30 students Discussion based course Components Healthy Relationships Consent* Bystander Intervention and Sexual Violence Led by Student Affairs staff and upperclassmen students Promotes peer accountability and shared responsibility creating a safe environment for students, staff, and faculty
The purpose of the Survivor Support Groups is to provide a safe environment that meets the unique needs of survivors of sexual violence where they can share their experiences. Students can access survivor support information through blackboard at any time. S.A.F.E. SUPPORT GROUP
Purpose Student organizations have a strong campus presence, as well as engage is a large amount of social activities Connection of party culture to rape culture Standpoint Theory Components of Training Use S.A.F.E 1000 curriculum as a baseline Sexual assault and hazing Party safety and education 80% of organization must attend this one-time training program
Purpose: Promote Men’s Accountability on campus for issues of sexual violence, consent, domestic violence, and healthy relationships Influence healthy male development Cross university collaboration of prominent student leaders Work to end gender norms on campus
Students can tweet and view photos live from the event!
Collaboration with New Student Orientation S.A.F.E. Break Out Sessions Bystander Video 1 Bystander Video2 Bystander Video3 NqbbA11FQo NqbbA11FQo
Programming Assessment
Rights of the Accused Focus on insuring due process Support and Processing Restorative Justice and Education Rights of the Survivor Protection of rights outlined by laws/statues Access to advocates and resources Collaboration Conduct Office Outline Policies/Procedure Make process less intimidating to survivor Dean of Students Follow Up
The End Thank you!