Route 14: building experience with multidisciplinary cooperation in the field of biomass UT expertise, opportunities for your own research? Which organisation forms would trigger you and support you in setting up and building up multidisciplinary research in the field of biomass (GEI)? 20/9/15 2 LINKING HIGH-TECH AND HUMAN TOUCH
Interfaculty team: Sascha Kersten (TNW), Joy Clancy (MB), Devrim Yazan (MB), Annemarije Kooijman (TNW), team members MB, TNW, CTW, ITC Development of a tool for the biofuels industry that can be used to make pro-active decisions: environmental, social, economic sustainability Proposal submitted: Bioenergy Supply Chain Integration (BioSCinT)- overcoming market barriers for second generation biomass Overview of frameworks and tools for the assessment of sustainability of biomass Value chain analysis of bagasse Biomass production from perspective of smallholder farmers Identification of opportunities at University of Twente for multidisciplinary cooperation in the field of biomass 20/9/15 3 ROUTE 14 BIOMASS PLATFORM
Biomass: production feedstock, processing, transport, use of product Social Science research: impacts of feedstock production, decisionmaking in chain, governance of chain and energy transition Technical research: which feedstocks, viability and efficiency of production and use, scale of operation 20/9/15 4 MULTIDISCIPLINARY COOPERATION IN THE FIELD OF BIOMASS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF TWENTE
Feedstock Social: employment, food prices Technical/economic: supply logistics, Environmental: biodiversity, GHG emission Pretreatment Social: location and organisation Technical: scale of technology, need for maintenance Environment/ economic: logistics, efficiency Refinery Technical; Efficiency of conversion Environmental: emissions, possibility to use all material streams Use (eg transport, heat) Technical; Efficiency of conversion Environmental: emissions, possibility to use all material streams MULTIPLE DISCIPLINES IN AND AROUND BIOMASS CHAINS 5 Governance of direction(s) and pace distribution of impacts Choices and structures in the chain
Level: Product, process, feedstock, value chain, policy or strategy, region, business. Purpose: Certification, comparison for business internal choice, comparison for business external information (marketing or customer/ actor influence), identification of fields of improvement. Tools and instruments: LCA, process assessment (ISO), input output modelling, scenarios, analysis of interests or convictions of stakeholders, economic modelling, game theory etc. 6 ASSESSING OR DISCUSSING SUSTAINABILITY
Production process: TNW, CTW Green chemistry: TNW LCA analysis (waterfootprint): CTW governance models, niche management, support of implementation process: MB /IGS Study of social issues, development: MB Economic and business modelling, logistics: MB, CTW Geo-information science, measuring of vegetation: ITC Philosophy of society -technology interaction; ethics, understanding processes of societal transformation: Behavioural Science Research methods for social data gathering and analysis Sector structures, networks, political influence Green Energy Initiative Sustainable campus 20/9/15 7 RELEVANT EXPERTISE AT UNIVERSITY OF TWENTE
Multiple disciplines, multiple researchers Starting point: should each be expert in their own field of expertise or support generalists? Barriers to multidisciplinary research different scientific approaches, different target groups (industry, government, science) - implications for expected outputs, objectives of research, practical use How to define an innovative research topic? How to create synergy? How to build up a field of multidisciplinary expertise? 20/9/15 8 MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH
Starting point: ‘outward’ looking experts with multidisciplinary experience define topics and moderate synergy AND/OR Calls for proposals define topics, synergy is not planned but facilitated through organised discussion Small/ad hoc: joint education/PhD/ postdoc supervision and small projects facilitate growth of multidisciplinary expertise and shared language between disciplines AND/OR Structure for expertise: one UT approach as basis for linking research 20/9/15 9 BUILDING UP A STRUCTURAL MULTIDISCPLINARY FIELD OF EXPERTISE ORGANISATION FORMS
Which research questions in the field of biomass are relevant for yourself and your contacts (especially stakeholders in the chain)? Which expertise do you have/which fields of expertise would you like to link to with regards to sustainability (of biomass)? Which organisation forms would trigger and support you? 20/9/15 10 ARE YOU INTERESTED?