Gender Education and Training in the Czech Republic Veronika Šprincová Prague,
Main questions related to gender training Who provides gender education/training? Who is trained? What are the main topics? What are the problematic areas?
Who provides gender training? universities/academic sector NGOs private sector
Academic sector Universities subject „Gender studies“ on bachelor degree at Masaryk University in Brno (Faculty of Social Sciences), on master degree at Charles University in Prague (Department of Gender Studies at Faculty of Humanities) formal education
Academic sector Specialized departments at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic dept. Gender & Sociology (Institute of Sociology) National Contact Centre Women and Science focusing mainly on research organizing seminars and conferences, releasing specialized publications
NGOs some NGOs represented in Czech Women’s Lobby provide certified educational programs focused on equal opportunities such programs aim mainly at public and state administration Gender theory, institutional framework, labour market, decision-making
Private sector companies focusing on education in general training/education mainly within projects focusing on work-life balance and equal opportunities on labour market (work-life balance, gender pay gap etc.)
Who is trained? students public and state administration employees (obligatory continuous learning, but not special obligation of gender training) private companies employees (HR officers) politicians academicians general public
What are the main topics? equal opportunities of women and men on labour market (work-life balance, gender pay gap) institutional framework and international commitments (and their fulfillment) gender theory (social constructivism, structural inequalities, gender stereotypes etc.)
Cooperation of public administration, NGOs and academic sector The Government Council for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men 4 committees (work-life balance, domestic violence, institutional safeguarding of equal opportunities, balanced representation of women and men in decision-making) Members – experts from academic sector as well as NGOs, public administration representatives
Problematic areas educating general public Czech society is not much open to the topic (partly because of relating it to the era of state socialism) some NGOs (incl. Forum 50 %) organize campaigns, seminars and conferences introducing and explaining the topic and its relevance to general public including wider range of topics
Thank you for your attention. Veronika Šprincová