CONNECTING SCIENCE TO DECISIONMAKING ON CLIMATE CHANGE David Blockstein, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, NCSE Executive Secretary Council of Environmental Deans and Directors Council of Energy Research and Education Leaders
I. Introduction to NCSE Mission: to improve the scientific basis of environmental decisionmaking.
Focus: programs that bring together diverse institutions, communities and individuals to collaborate
Education and Careers Goal: increase the number and quality of trained individuals to address complex environmental challenges. Partners– Universities and colleges – High schools – Employers – Government agencies (EPA STAR)
University Affiliates Benefits National Conference: 5 Complimentary registrations Council of Environmental Deans and Directors (CEDD) Campus-wide Electronic Subscriptions: Greenwire, Environment and Energy Daily, Land Letter Internship Opportunities Handbook of Federal Funding for Environmental R & D University Federal Dialogue on Energy and Environmental Research and Education Advocacy for Federal Funding on Energy and Environmental Research and Education Collaboration with more than 170 colleges and universities across the U.S.
Council of Environmental Deans and Directors (CEDD) Top Environmental Leaders at Affiliate Universities Curriculum, including Climate Solutions Curriculum Careers, including Environmental Alumni Career Study and Campus to Careers Program Program Administration Interdisciplinary Hiring, Tenure and Promotion
Council of Energy Research and Education Leaders (CEREL) Mission: to advance university energy research and education through collaboration Top Academic Energy Leaders Research Funding Advocacy Curriculum and Careers Program Administration Communications and Outreach
CEDD Climate Solutions Curriculum Goal: Establish appropriate education materials and support systems regarding climate change causes, consequences and solutions 1.Creation and dissemination of an interdisciplinary undergraduate General Education Course on Climate Change - NASA grant ~$180,000 2.Climate Adaptation and Mitigation E-Learning Community– NSF grant $1.66 million for 3 years 3.Creation of a Masters Degree in Climate Science and Solutions – in progress
CAMEL Climate, Adaptation, and Mitigation e- Learning Community Nationwide (and beyond) community –Educators, researchers, students Undergraduate materials—all levels and fields Climate change causes, consequences and solutions
4. National Conference on Science, Policy and the Environment Conference Themes: 1 st - Improving the Scientific Basis for Decisionmaking 2 nd - Sustainable Communities: Science and Solutions 3 rd - Education for a Sustainable and Secure Future 4 th - Water for a Sustainable and Secure Future 5 th - Forecasting Environmental Changes 6 th - Energy for a Sustainable and Secure Future 7 th - Integrating Environment and Human Health 8 th - Climate Change: Science and Solutions 9 th - Biodiversity in a Rapidly Changing World 10 th – The New Green Economy
3 days, participants 35 breakout sessions, 10 symposia, 24 workshops Presidential Candidate Forum A Blueprint for a Low Carbon Society
National Conference on Science, Policy and the Environment - Climate Change: Science and Solutions Meeting the Climate Change Challenge by John Holdren, Science Advisor to President Obama
The Climate Solutions Consensus: What We Know and What We Need to Do will be published by Island Press, in November 2009.
Main messages “Global warming” is a misnomer; we should be calling it “global climatic disruption”. The disruption & its impacts are now growing more rapidly than was expected just a few years ago. The world is already experiencing “dangerous anthro- pogenic interference in the climate system”. The question now is whether we can avoid catastrophic interference. Our options are mitigation, adaptation, & suffering. If we do less mitigation & adaptation, we’ll do more suffering. In mitigation and adaptation, there is a lot of “low-hanging fruit”. The United States must switch from laggard to leader – and sooner rather than later – if the world is to act in time. Everyone has a part to play. We all make a difference!
January 20-22, 2010 Washington, DC
David Blockstein, Ph.D. Senior Scientist th Street NW, Suite 250 Washington, DC
Thank you!