TOPIC DEVELOPMENT LIBRARY 101 Rio Hondo College Tuesday, September 29, 2009 A. Enright
Agenda Topic development Resources for topics Brainstorming for topics Complete Topic Worksheet
Topic Construction Know the requirements of the assignment! See The Research Paper: Ten Steps to Researching it Right (page 1)The Research Paper: Ten Steps to Researching it Right Determine the scope and depth of your topic See Research Survival Guide from CSULA: What type and how much information is available? Too much information to cover – Topic is too broad Not enough for a paper or discussion – Topic is too narrow
Too Broad: Avoid General Topics Abortion Gambling Substance Abuse Steroid Use in Sports
Too Narrow: Avoid Extremely Specific Topics Steroid Use of Seniors at Whittier High Schools in Psychological Study of Rio Hondo Student Gamblers at the Commerce Casino Pro-life and Pro-Choice protests at Rio Hondo College
Resources for Topics General Encyclopedias: World Book in Reference Room Britannica Online Reference Books: 10,000 Ideas for Term Papers…. REFLB L Sourcebook for English Papers… REF LB2369.M Daily Newspapers (print or online)
Resources for Topics (cont) Circulating Books 1,000 Ideas for Term Papers in Sociology HM45.A7 1,000 Ideas for Term Papers in Social Science H62.F35
Resources for Topics (cont) Web Sites: Rio Hondo College Library - Research Paper Topics: arch_Topics/index.htm arch_Topics/index.htm Librarians Index to the Internet: Internet Public Library: (see Pathfinders) Idea Generator from Old Dominion University
Activity: Brainstorming for a Topic Browse the newspapers – don’t read the articles, scan the headlines and the first two or three paragraphs. Browse the books listed in this presentation. Use the online sources and Web sites suggested in this presentation. Take notes of possible topics as they develop at this point the topic may be a “general” topic; one or two words or short phrase. Select at least 5 possible general topics. Take the CSULA Tutorial as a guest (Introduction and chapter 1)
Activity: Brainstorming for a Topic (cont) Turn your work sheets in at the end of class. Topic refinement begin at this point work with your instructor or make an appointment for a research consultation with a librarian x3484 Ask for Adele or another librarian