PROTECTION OF CHILDRENS RIGHTS FROM VIOLENCE, ABUSE AND NEGLECT OVERALL GOAL OVERALL GOAL Making procedures and mechanisms inside the system of social protection-prevention and reaction in cases of violation of children rights-cases of violence, abuse and neglect. Making procedures and mechanisms inside the system of social protection-prevention and reaction in cases of violation of children rights-cases of violence, abuse and neglect. All children in Montenegro have the right to be protected from violence, abuse and neglect. All children in Montenegro have the right to be protected from violence, abuse and neglect.
Why OMT? (Operational Multidisciplinary Team) Why OMT? (Operational Multidisciplinary Team) Until 2002 it does not exist any kind of organized multidisciplinary work which would deal with the protection of children's rights from violence, abuse and neglect. Until 2002 it does not exist any kind of organized multidisciplinary work which would deal with the protection of children's rights from violence, abuse and neglect. Children exposed to violence are invisible. Children exposed to violence are invisible. PROTECTION OF CHILDRENS RIGHTS FROM VIOLENCE, ABUSE AND NEGLECT
Who are the team members ? lawyer lawyer psychologist psychologist pedagogue and social worker (social protection) pedagogue and social worker (social protection) psychiatrist and pediatrician (health protection) psychiatrist and pediatrician (health protection) inspector (police) inspector (police) prosecutor prosecutor judge judge pedagogue (education) and pedagogue (education) and representative of NGO SOS phone for women and children victims of violence representative of NGO SOS phone for women and children victims of violence
PROTECTION OF CHILDRENS RIGHTS FROM VIOLENCE, ABUSE AND NEGLECT PROTECTION OF CHILDRENS RIGHTS FROM VIOLENCE, ABUSE AND NEGLECT Achievements: Achievements: First shape of multidisciplinary work in the field of child protection First shape of multidisciplinary work in the field of child protection Multidisciplinary Operational Teams for Protection of Children from Violence established at 7 out of 10 Centers for Social Work as follows: Multidisciplinary Operational Teams for Protection of Children from Violence established at 7 out of 10 Centers for Social Work as follows: - Niksic (2002.) - Bijelo Polje (2003.) -Podgorica, Herceg Novi, Bar, Berane and Kotor (2005).
PROTECTION OF CHILDRENS RIGHTS FROM VIOLENCE, ABUSE AND NEGLECT Achievements: Capacity building: 8 seminars for education of professionals from all sectors which should work within the model of multi-sector prevention of violence against children and provision of adequate protection measures. About 350 professionals educated.
PROTECTION OF CHILDRENS RIGHTS FROM VIOLENCE, ABUSE AND NEGLECT Achievements: For the first time started up and conducted the procedure of the legitimating of teams. The teams have developed the Protocol of operating with standards of treatment of the victim, implementation and follow up of provided protection measures.
PROTECTION OF CHILDRENS RIGHTS FROM VIOLENCE, ABUSE AND NEGLECT Achievements: The teams has provided adequate protection measures to around 500 children until now. The collaboration between the teams has been reinforced.
PROTECTION OF CHILDRENS RIGHTS FROM VIOLENCE, ABUSE AND NEGLECT Challenges: Full integration of the teams into the system/at national and local level? Creation of national framework for addressing violence against children. Adequate budget allocations. Lack of the system support: no shelters, crisis centers, etc. Violence is still not an easy subject to talk about.
PROTECTION OF CHILDRENS RIGHTS FROM VIOLENCE, ABUSE AND NEGLECT Experiences: The number of closed cases and cases in current procedures has shown that a real need existed for the creation of the teams. The need of continuous supervisory support to the teams work still exist. The need of continuous work on the sensibility of society about the problems of violence against children still exists. Professionals are ready to change their praxis through the offered model. Identified and solved cases in OMTs praxis motivates OMTs members and offers professional self confidence.
Recommendations: Recommendations: Full integration of OMTs in the system as mandatory community based response to violence. Full integration of OMTs in the system as mandatory community based response to violence. The creation of multidisciplinary teams in three remaining Centers for Social Work. The creation of multidisciplinary teams in three remaining Centers for Social Work. Linking of operating multidisciplinary teams with mini- teams within the respective institution of the system (schools, health facility). Linking of operating multidisciplinary teams with mini- teams within the respective institution of the system (schools, health facility). Continuous, further education of members of the team. Continuous, further education of members of the team. Continuous supervisory support. Continuous supervisory support. PROTECTION OF CHILDRENS RIGHTS FROM VIOLENCE, ABUSE AND NEGLECT