Final Paper Topics Presentation You must consult the research literature Look at course readings for ideas Consult PsycINFO
Psychinfo rch.html Go to databases and search psycarticles under “p” Go the library and ask for help doing this. Journals you may use Child Development, Infancy, Infant Behavior and Development, Developmental Psychology, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Finding who referenced a past article Find Social Science Citation Index Check normal and expanded and search May not have Infant Behavior and Development
Topic Topic = What’s it about Make topic into a research question: What do you want to find out about? Sources for possible topic/questions From class sessions (past, present, or future) From list of topics (see syllabus) Your own Examples
References Find 3-4 references that will help you answer the question. Does the literature suggest you should ask the research question differently? What additional literature does the original literature suggest you look at?