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100 Points One reason for the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD
200 Points The institution that dominated life in Medieval Europe after the fall of Rome.
300 Points Life in Medieval Europe was centered around this self-sufficient place where serfs worked the land.
400 Points In Medieval Europe Kings would give lords land in exchange for this.
500 Points Knights would have to observe this code, which meant they had to be brave, honorable and true. In Japan it’s called Bushido
100 Points This Renaissance philosophy focuses on humans and individual achievement.
200 Points He was a true Renaissance Man through his work as an artist, scientist and inventor.
300 Points People of the Renaissance looked to these two ancient civilizations for inspiration.
400 Points The wealth from the Renaissance was mainly an effect of the spur in trade after this conflict.
500 Points Machiavelli’s book, “The Prince” was meant to give advice to these people.
100 Points He began the Protestant Reformation by writing “95 Theses” criticizing the Pope and nailing them to the Church door
200 Points A letter from the church that forgives someone for their sins… for a price.
300 Points Invention by Johannes Gutenberg that helped spread Martin Luther’s ideas.
400 Points The Protestant Reformation was an impact of this era in which humanist secular ideas began to question Church authority.
500 Points The purpose of the Inquisition
100 Points The Fall of Constantinople by the Islamic Turks blocked Europeans access to this overland route to Asia.
200 Points Conflict that spurred interest in goods from China and India
300 Points Two of the new maritime technologies that spread from Asia to Europe during the Crusades.
400 Points Many factors helped Europeans in their conquest of the powerful Inca and Aztecs. Name Two.
500 Points Global exchange of plants, animals, people and diseases from the New World to the Old.
100 Points When the Soviet Union invaded this small country in 1979 they ended up in a costly conflict that would drain it’s people’s morale.
200 Points This Soviet leader wanted to ease Cold War tensions with the U.S. He also wanted to reform the Soviet Unions communist government and economy.
300 Points The collapse of communism is signified by the collapse of this wall
400 Points This happened at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in 1985 showing the dangerous inefficiency of the Soviet system
500 Points While Gorbechev’s policy of Perestroika attempted to restructure the Soviet Economy, his policy of Glasnost attempted to do this. BOTH FAILED TO SAVE THE USSR