Investing in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Services for Children In East Asia and the Pacific 19 April 2010
Total Rural Urban Drinking water coverage – East Asia and Pacific, 2008 Source: UNICEF/WHO JMP, 2010
Total Rural Urban Sanitation coverage – East Asia and Pacific, 2008 Source: UNICEF/WHO JMP, 2010
East Asia and the Pacific: On-track for water Off-track for sanitation 236 million (12%) do not use improved drinking water source and 7/8 of those live in rural areas China – 158 m Indonesia – 46 m Myanmar – 10 m 802 million (40%) do not use improved sanitation and 2/3 of those live in rural areas China – 607 m Indonesia – 109 m Viet Nam – 22 m Philippines – 21 m WHO-UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme, 2010
Sanitation disparities urban-rural and by income Cambodia Timor Leste Sanitation coverage by wealth quintiles (5 countries) Source: DHS and MICS (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Thailand, Viet Nam
Network water operators Waste management services Non-network water providers Toilet providers Who are the Non-State Providers? International Corporate International Corporate Formal Private Formal Private Informal Private Community Groups Community Groups Local NGOs Local NGOs International NGOs URBAN RURAL
NSPs and UNICEF WASH Important providers to the poor Needed for scaling up Leveraging capacities and resources Partners in emergency response Scaling up of WASH programmes means to reach more people, more quickly, more sustainably and more equitably with water supply and sanitation services and positive health outcomes
WASH case studies – small-scale providers Examples Urban water supply in metro Manila Rural sanitation marketing in Viet Nam Rural water providers in Cambodia Urban septage management in Philippines Provider Various small-scale water providers International Development Enterprises (IDE) GRET French INGO with private operators Various desludging operators
Sanitation marketing in Indonesia DemandDemand Latrine slabs Bio sand filters Rain water tanks ? Supply Promotion of demand, through STBM (community led total sanitation)
DemandDemand Local masons, entrepreneurs, artisans Training on technical issues Training on business issues Individual incentivesPromotional incentives Latrine slabs, bowls, bio slow sand filters, rainwater tanks Costs, selling price, profit margin, sales techniques, credit Provision of moulds & training certificate Provision of brochures and participation of media Sanitation marketing in Indonesia
Highlighting NSP contributions Low-cost, locally viable Appropriate solutions Service level choice Safe products and services Sustainable
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