Tutoring Component Strand First Follow up Webinar Summer Institute October 2, 2013 10:00 – 11:00 am
Webinar Agenda 10:00 am ~ Overview Webinar Basics Review and goals of webinar Overview of evaluations Wrap up and Questions Name tags Left side – activities we will do Right side – informational documents Index cards for Parking Lot questions (or post its on table) Postcard with TLC info – please cross out Ning site Plan to start a place to put questions for Bureau of Postsecondary and Adult Ed - Susan
Goals Discuss your progress, challenges, successes and suggestions regarding: Your response, at the Summer Institute to one of the following questions. ?? What is your main goal in participation in this strand? OR ?? What is one thing you want to take home from this institute? Based on the information I have received from you and what I have learned from the field, these are the goals that I have set for this strand. We will also address your personal goals for participation in this strand.
Guskey Overview Five Levels of Professional Development Evaluation (adapted from Guskey, 2002) Level 5: Student Outcomes Assessing student learning Level 4: Participants’ use of new knowledge and skills Assessing degree and quality of implementation Level 3: Organization support and change Assessing organizational advocacy, support, accommodation, facilitation, recognition Level 2: Participants Learning Assessing new knowledge and skills Level 1: Participants Reaction Assessing initial satisfaction with experience You may not all be familiar with Guskey’s level of evaluation of professional development System is working to address all these levels so that we can continually work on reaching the top of the triangle For those who currently offer tutors professional development, what level of evaluation do you feel your agency does? For professional developers: 1) ensure teachers/tutors enjoy the experience 2) ensure teachers/tutors learn something 3) ensure supports for change/implementation are in place 4) ensure opportunities and awareness of how to use new knowledge and skills 5) see what the impact is on students Johnson, K.A. & Linden A. PD Evaluation for Minnesota
Overview of Evaluations
Overview of Evaluations Most common topics of interest
Pieces of an Effective Tutoring Component Prezi
Presenters and Panel Discussion Laura Contino, lcontino@ciu10.org, 814.359.3069 Jane Myers, jane@getliterate.org, 717.295.5523 Bonnie O’Neill, bonnie.oneill@temple.edu, 215.204.8677 Kim Rossman, kim@tlcliteracy.org, 814.364.4366 Colleen Serencsits, colleen@tlcliteracy.org, 814.867.0203 Sheila Sherow, sms20@psu.edu, 814.861.3954 Marie Steinbacher, mmsteinbacher@iu12.org, 717.504.4459 ext. 3504 Luke Suereth, lsuereth@pa.gov, 717.705.0306 Jim Yeager, eDataTechSupport@psu.edu, 877.857.8869
Thanks for participating in this webinar Thanks for participating in this webinar. Join us on November 6th for the next follow up webinar, 10:00 am – 11:00 am.
Tutor Coordinator Job Description Definition from Adult and Family Literacy Guidelines, 2013-2014 205.7 Tutor Coordinator, page 7 Tutor Coordinators provide training and support to volunteer adult education instructors and their learners. The duties include, but are not limited to, implementing effective processes for tutor screening, making referrals to the case manager, participating in orientation, conducting training sessions, assigning and supporting tutor-student pairs/groups, providing ongoing supervision of tutoring staff and working with the In-House PD Specialist to coordinate tutor professional development.
Tutor Coordinator Job Description Duties include, but are not limited to, implementing effective processes for tutor screening making referrals to the case manager participating in orientation conducting training sessions assigning and supporting tutor-student pairs/groups providing ongoing supervision of tutoring staff working with the In-House PD Specialist to coordinate tutor professional development assisting tutors in identifying individual PD needs supporting tutors to develop knowledge and skills identified documenting tutor PD. To duties of TC add: (from participants SI 2012) Develop, prepare, put together materials for tutors, ex for when first meet TC with tutor Have resources and materials available for tutors; help tutor choose appropriate materials Address tutor questions and problems, as to how to help students do better Integrating classroom aides into the classroom: Work with classroom aides, meet staff needs, assessment, getting teachers’ evaluations of aides Write IEPs for learner, that are given to tutors Oversight of PD for tutors / coordinate with inhouse PD specialist
Tutor Coordinator Job Description Definition from Adult and Family Literacy Guidelines, 2013-2014 215.2.3 Tutor Coordinator, page 16 Tutor Coordinators will: 1. Assist tutors to identify individual PD needs. 2. Support tutors to develop knowledge and skills identified. 3. Document tutor PD.
Volunteer Instructor Job Description Guidelines and Definitions
Volunteer Instructor Job Description Definition from Adult and Family Literacy Guidelines, 2013-2014 205.8 Volunteer Instructor, pages 7 - 8 Volunteer Instructors provide one-on-one or small group instruction to students. Though they are not paid staff members, volunteer instructors are still required to participate in professional development activities and to schedule time for instruction preparation. Volunteer Instructors should work with tutor coordinators to periodically review goals; adjust student placement, if needed; and coordinate with intake specialist and case manager.
Volunteer Instructor Job Description Definition from Adult and Family Literacy Guidelines, 2013-2014 205.8 Volunteer Instructor, pages 7 – 8, cont. Volunteer Instructors (tutors) must have a four-year degree or be currently enrolled in a four-year degree program. This includes community college if the student is enrolled in a transfer program that will lead to a four-year degree. If the person has stopped taking courses, they are not considered to be pursuing the degree. Ask someone to read first paragraph Second and third
Volunteer Instructor Job Description Definition from Adult and Family Literacy Guidelines, 2013-2014 205.8 Volunteer Instructor, pages 7 – 8, cont. Tutors without a four-year degree are permitted if they show continuous tutoring since Program Year (PY) 2006-07, have participated in one in-service activity in each of those years, and have been consistently providing a minimum of three hours of tutoring a week (with breaks of one/two weeks once or twice a year). Note: PA Literacy Corps students, teacher aides and non-instructional volunteers are exempt from the four-year degree requirement. Ask someone to read first paragraph Second and third
Volunteer Instructor Job Description Have a four-year degree or be currently enrolled in a four-year degree program. This includes community college if the student is enrolled in a transfer program that will lead to a four-year degree. If the person has stopped taking courses, he/she is not considered to be pursuing the degree. Tutors without a four-year degree are permitted IF they show continuous tutoring since PY 06-07 have participated in one in-service activity in each of those years AND have been consistently providing a minimum of three hours of tutoring a week. Do you think your tutors are prepared to successfully do perform all of the things outlined in this job description? If not, what do they need?