Identify problems that can occur if hardware is not properly maintained. Identify routine maintenance that can be preformed by users. Identify maintenance that should be preformed by experienced professionals.
You should check and clean the keyboard periodically. A mouse with a ball can be difficult to move if the rollers are clogged.
Cleaning a printer helps prolong the printers life. Never spray an aerosol directly on the printer. Wear latex gloves while cleaning a printer.
One way to measure a computer’s power is by its capacity to remember. Data stored in RAM is temporary. If RAM fills up, then the processors continually goes to the hard drive to replace old data.
Disk Defragmentation occurs when a piece of data is broke up into many pieces. The sectors are stored in blocks of nonadjacent clusters, thus creating fragmented files.
Holding area for files. Contains files that have been deleted from the hard disk. To empty the recycle bin right click the icon and click empty recycle bin.
To free memory for other programs. To act as a safety net to prevent data loss. For printing.
A cookies is a small text file that a web site uses to identify a specific computer. Cookies are not a threat to your computers security.
The following should be done by a computer professional Replacing the power supply. Replacing the processor. Replacing or adding RAM
The security of computer network is challenged everyday by hackers and virus attacks. People create computer viruses and infect other computers.