What is “Information Literacy?” Using the Internet, craft a definition of Information Literacy that is understandable and suitable for your grade level.
2007/2008 Technology Integration Training Day 2
Standard 16 (d) Each participating teacher designs, adapts, and uses lessons which address the students' needs to develop information literacy and problem solving skills as tools for lifelong learning
Standard 16 (e) Each participating teacher uses technology in lessons to increase students’ ability to plan, locate, evaluate, select, and use information to solve problems and draw conclusions. He/she creates or makes use of learning environments that promote effective use of technology aligned with the curriculum inside the classroom, in library media centers or in computer labs.
Information Literacy Web Sites Big6 - Pacific Bell/UCLA Initiative (Video) for 21st Century Literacies st Century Literacies Homepage (Identifies four major literacies - information, media, multicultural, and visual.) Information Literacy for K-16 Settings (CSULB) What is information literacy? And why should I care?
Information Literacy Definition Information Literacy - The American Library Association defines information literacy as a set of abilities requiring individuals to "recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information." ALA also states that "information literacy is a survival skill in the Information Age." "Information literacy forms the basis for lifelong learning. It is common to all disciplines, to all learning environments, and to all levels of education. It enables learners to master content and extend their investigations, become more self-directed, and assume greater control over their own learning."
Information Literacy Components - I Plan - What is the task or problem to be solved? Seek Information - What strategies to use to seek? Locate & Access Info - Where to find information? Use Information - What will the students do or make? Synthesis - Summarizing & selecting most important learning and drawing conclusions Evaluation - Determining the validity, reliability, and authenticity of sources
Information Literacy Lesson What would an “Information Literacy Lesson” look like? What are the necessary elements?
Information Literacy Lesson Example $10 Billion to Host the Winter Olympic Games: Is it worth it? 16&page=teacher (From Thinkfinity’s EconEdLink) 16&page=teacher California Content Standard - Principles of Economics Students understand common economic terms and concepts and economic reasoning Explain opportunity cost, marginal benefit and marginal cost Identify the difference between monetary and non-monetary incentives and how changes in incentives cause changes in behavior.
Analyzing the Lesson What made this lesson fit the description? Were there any weaknesses? If you were teaching it…what might you do differently?
Information Literacy Components - II Web Site/Page Evaluation Acceptable Use Policy Search Engines Advanced Web Search Techniques Web Browsers Questioning Internet Safety Copyright and Fair Use Information Literacy Web Sites
Web Site/Page Evaluation Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators - Teacher Helpers - Critical Evaluation Information Evaluating Web Sites Teaching Zack to Think &task=view&id=39&Itemid=85&limit=1&limitstart=1 &task=view&id=39&Itemid=85&limit=1&limitstart=1
Acceptable Use Policy Teaching Kids: Acceptable Use Policy plans/45_07.asp plans/45_07.asp
Search Tools vanced=1& vanced=1& q= q= 0/?2p=1 0/?2p=1 earch?hl=en earch?hl=en
Advanced Web Search Techniques Four NETS for Better Searching (Google Advanced Search)
Web Browsers Internet Explorer Windows Mozilla Firefox for Mac OS and Windows Safari for Mac OS America Online for Mac OS and Windows (not recommended) Opera for Mac OS Netscape Navigator for Mac OS & Windows
Questioning The Philadelphia Inquirer, April 20, 2000 tech.k12 / Joyce Kasman Valenza Jamie McKenzie
Internet Safety iSafe is a non-profit foundation whose mission is to educate and empower youth to safely and responsibly take control of their Internet experiences. provides students with the awareness and knowledge they need in order to recognize and avoid dangerous, destructive, or unlawful behavior and to respond appropriately.
Copyright and Fair Use (Davidson) The Educator's Guide to Copyright and Fair Use The Educator's Guide to Copyright and Fair Use (The Copyright Quiz) p p The Educator's Guide to Copyright and Fair Use (The Answers) s.php s.php Copyright and Fair Use Guidelines for Teachers (Technology & Learning) opyright_chart.pdf opyright_chart.pdf
Information Literacy Lesson Sources Verizon Thinkfinity (Formerly Marco Polo) Trackstar for Teachers Lesson Plans 4 Teachers Online Activities Promoting Information Literacy