Strategic Early Intervention : Planning for Columbus Public School Students Dr. Penney Brooks, Speech/Language Pathologist Ms. Kristine Joaquin, School Psychologist Dr. Antoinette Miranda. OSU Professor
Strategic Intervention- Using the Problem Solving Model 1.Problem Identification 2.Problem Validation 3.Exploring Solutions 4.Evaluate Solutions 5.Problem Solution
Problem Identification: What do we know? 66 % of kindergarten students come to school unprepared to meet curriculum goals Approximately 80% of all referrals to school intervention teams include poor reading skills as an area of concern Reading trajectories are established early and difficult to change
Early Reading Intervention Project Collaboration with Ohio State University School Psychology Program Project implemented in three Columbus Public elementary schools with similar populations Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (Problem Validation) Implement additional reading instruction, using Scott Foresman materials, to 8 students at each school who are considered in need of intervention (Exploring Solutions) Monitor general population, intervention students and control students (Evaluate Solutions)
DIBELS Instructional Recommendations
School #1 Data
School #2 Data
School #3 Data
Evaluate Solutions: Intervention Data – School #3 Intervention Group DIBELS INSTRUCTIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS FALLWINTERSPRING Student #1 IntensiveStrategicIntensive Student #2 StrategicBenchmark Student #3 Strategic Student #4 IntensiveStrategicIntensive Student #5 IntensiveBenchmark Student #6 IntensiveStrategicBenchmark Student #7 Strategic Benchmark
Evaluate Solutions: Intervention Data - School #3 Control Group DIBELS INSTRUCTIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS FALLWINTERSPRING Student #1IntensiveBenchmark Student #2StrategicNot AvailableIntensive Student #3StrategicBenchmark Student #4StrategicBenchmark Student #5IntensiveBenchmarkStrategic Student #6Intensive Strategic Student #7StrategicBenchmark
Evaluate Solutions: What do we know now? Preliminary data indicates: The total percentage of kindergarten students at benchmark did not change significantly at School #1 and School #2. At School #3, 4 out of 7 students in both the control group and the intervention group moved from needing strategic or intensive intervention to reaching benchmark. All three schools have several students who continue to need intensive intervention and are not on track to be readers by the end of first grade.
Problem Solution: Do we have students who continue to be at risk? Yes.
Creating the Next Strategic Intervention 1.Analyze possible reasons why each school performed differently. 2.Determine obstacles to the intervention’s effectiveness and consider possible modifications in implementation. 3.Identify the skill deficits of students who are considered still in need of intensive intervention. 4.HURRY! We only have one year left!