What is weather? Weather is a state of the atmosphere (troposphere) at a specific time and place, determined by factors including: Air pressure Humidity Temperature wind
Humidity The amount of moisture in the air. How much water is there in the air?
Relative Humidity The amount of moisture in the air compared with the amount it can hold Measured in percent from 0 to 100% (Humidity / Amount it can hold) x 100
Dew Point The temperature at which the air is saturated (100%) and condensation forms. Example: water on the side of your pop can.
Fog A cloud that is formed when air is cooled and it’s dew point is near the ground
Temperature The average kinetic energy.
Evaporation When water changes from liquid to gas.
Condensation When water changes from gas to liquid
Precipitation Water falling from clouds. Includes: Rain Sleet Hail Snow When clouds become saturated
Clouds Condensation of water in the atmosphere
Barometric Pressure The force of air molecules pushing down