Effective Instructional Supports for African American Teacher Candidates Pixita del Prado Hill Felicia Scott Buffalo State College Elementary Education & Reading
Overview of Session n Welcome & introductions n Context for the project n Research design n Preliminary findings n Preliminary suggestions n Open discussion
Context n The number of students of color in U.S. schools is becoming increasingly diverse yet the number of teachers of color is declining (Nieto, 2002). n Importance of diverse groups of teachers n Research has focused on preparing White teachers for diverse settings
At Buffalo State College n African American teacher candidates in Childhood Education n The role of methods courses in the preparation of teacher candidates
Research Questions n What instructional activities (course activities, assignments, readings, student-teacher interactions, student- student interactions, and field experiences) support African American undergraduates in their goal to become certified childhood teachers for urban settings? n What instructional supports are likely to help African American teacher candidates when they face challenges in the program?
Research Design n The researchers n The participants n Data collection 1. Interviews 2. Content analysis
Preliminary Findings n Isolation n Issues of respect n Addressing Standard English n Examining one’s own bias n Personal lives
Preliminary Suggestions n Mentoring n Explore the cultural differences related to what constitutes respect and authority n Discuss the politics related to Standard English and acknowledge the legitimacy of Black Vernacular as a language.
Preliminary Suggestions n Continue to use the common reflective assignment as a means to explore the role of difference in teachers’ lives. n The need to demonstrate a pedagogy of caring
Discussion Questions n What instructional practices might increase the recruitment and retention of African American teacher candidates? n What instructional practices might help African American teacher candidates when they face challenges.
Thank you for attending! Pixita del Prado Hill, Ed.D. Felicia Scott