N A T I O N A L S O C I E T Y O F B L A C K E N G I N E E R S w w w. n s b e. o r g The Mission The Mission of NSBE is to increase the number of culturally responsible Black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally, and positively impact the community.
N A T I O N A L S O C I E T Y O F B L A C K E N G I N E E R S About NSBE Founded at Purdue University in 1975 by the “Chicago Six” Largest student-run organization in the country Over 30,000 members and more than 500 chapters Excellent leadership opportunities NSBE offers over 2000 elected positions Divided into 6 geographical regions
N A T I O N A L S O C I E T Y O F B L A C K E N G I N E E R S w w w. n s b e. o r g NSBE Directives UPenn NSBE is in Region II Danger Zone: Community College of Philadelphia, Delaware State University, Drexel University, Lafayette College, Lincoln University, Lehigh University, Swarthmore College, Temple University, University of Delaware, Villanova University National Directives Retention International Development Scholastic Achievement Economic Empowerment Regional Directives Leadership Development Effective Transitioning Developing the Leadership Pipeline
N A T I O N A L S O C I E T Y O F B L A C K E N G I N E E R S Why NSBE? NSBE is just one means of combating some of the problems facing members of the African Diaspora. NSBE believes academic, technical, and professional excellence is a great way to combat these problems. NSBE specializes in creating culturally responsible LEADERS.
N A T I O N A L S O C I E T Y O F B L A C K E N G I N E E R S Secondary School Education Update Secondary School Education Update Yearly SAT Score (Verbal) Comparison by Ethnicity Source: College Board, College-Bound Seniors 2004: A Profile of SAT Program Test Takers Ethnicity American Indian, Alaskan Native Asian, Asian American, Pacific Islander African American/Black Mexican American Puerto Rican Hispanic/Latino White
N A T I O N A L S O C I E T Y O F B L A C K E N G I N E E R S Secondary School Education Update Secondary School Education Update Yearly SAT Score (Math) Comparison by Ethnicity Source: College Board, College-Bound Seniors 2004: A Profile of SAT Program Test Takers Ethnicity American Indian, Alaskan Native Asian, Asian American, Pacific Islander African American/Black Mexican American Puerto Rican Hispanic/Latino White
N A T I O N A L S O C I E T Y O F B L A C K E N G I N E E R S Secondary School Education Update Secondary School Education Update 2004 ACT Scores by Ethnicity (1.17 Million Test Takers) EthnicityComposite Score American Indian or Alaskan Native 18.8 Asian-American or Pacific Islander 21.8 African-American or Black (The Lowest) 17.1 Mexican-American, Chicano, Latino18.4 Puerto Rican, Cuban, Other Hispanic18.8 Caucasian-American, White 21.8 Multiracial 20.9 Other 19.4 Prefer Not to Respond (3%) 22.0 Source: ACT, ACT Assessment Results 2004
N A T I O N A L S O C I E T Y O F B L A C K E N G I N E E R S PennNSBE Programs A Walk For Education (AWFE) Tutoring and Coaching Mentoring Professional Development Social Activities Community Service
N A T I O N A L S O C I E T Y O F B L A C K E N G I N E E R S Conferences ----FALL REGIONAL CONFERENCE (FRC)---- November 20 – November 22 nd, 2009 Greensboro, North Carolina ----NSBE NATIONAL CONFERENCE---- March 31 - April 4th, 2010 Toronto, Canada Career Fair Academic Tech Bowl Undergraduate Research Regional Showcase Step Show Nightly Entertainment Closing Banquet and more…
N A T I O N A L S O C I E T Y O F B L A C K E N G I N E E R S w w w. n s b e. o r g How Can You Get Involved? Be a General Body Member Come to events Attend conferences Become a NSBE Director Take part in planning process Work alongside current board members
N A T I O N A L S O C I E T Y O F B L A C K E N G I N E E R S w w w. n s b e. o r g Upcoming Events…. Thur: October 1st Fri: Sept. 25th Wed: Sept. 23rd Google Tech Talk & Geek Trivia Event Levine: Wu & Chen 6:30pm Free food & Prizes NSBE/BSL Spades Tournament Location TBA 6:30pm 2nd NSBE GBM Huntsman Hall Room TBA 7pm