Dianna Chiabotti Janelle Williams Melendrez Jesse Ortiz
EthnicityPercentage White34% (613,444) Latino31% (543,632) Asian12% (206,900) African American 7% (130,404) Total Raw Number 1,794,904 students
A Chancellor and/or President- Superintendent of color is significant factor to having a more diverse- inclusive faculty.
College or District% of Diverse FacultyTotal # of Faculty 1. Compton CCD/Compton College69% 85 (Black male) 2. Peralta CCD/Laney College54%162 (Black female) 3. San Jose/Evergreen CCD53%249 (Latina) 4. Gavilan50% 80 (White male) 5. San Francisco45%764 (Black male) 6. Palo Verde43% 42 (White male) 6. Rio Hondo43%201 (Latino) 7.Foothill-DeAnza CCD41%507 (Martha Kantor, white) 7. Southwestern41%223 (East Indian) 7. Los Angeles CCD41%1,040 (Black Female) 7. San Diego CCD41%720 (Black Female) 8. San Joaquin Delta40%235 (Latino) 8. Contra Costa CCD40%468 (Black Female)
60% students of color in California Community College indicated they never have had a faculty member of own ethnic group. 48% of Faculty want to Diversify. (52% no)
High School Grad At Least Some College At Least a BA Degree Asian94%80%49% White93%62%29% African American 86%48%15% Latino61%31%7%
Raises new issues and perspectives. Broadens variety of experience shared. Confronts stereotypes on social and political issues Allows broader variety of experiences to be shared.
When were you first aware that people were different racially or ethnically? When were you first aware that you were a member of a racial or ethnic group? When were you first aware of people being treated differently because of membership with a specific group?
Culture is a set of values, customs, traditions, beliefs, ways of being that are shaped by our race, ethnicity, SES, gender and life experiences. When culture is ignored, students are at risk of not getting the support they need, or assistance can be harmful
Developing certain personal and interpersonal awarenesses and sensitivities; Learning specific bodies of cultural knowledge; and Mastering a set of skills that underlie effective cross cultural teaching and communication
Is a developmental process that depends on continual acquisition of knowledge; the development of new and advanced skills; and ongoing self-reflection and self- assessment!
The ability to think, feel, and act in ways that acknowledge, respect, and build upon ethnic, socio-cultural, and linguistic diversity
Cultural competence is the ability to successfully work with students who come from cultures different from our own
Recognize the broad dimensions of culture Respect families as the primary source for defining needs and priorities Increase sensitivity to alienating behaviors
Do you have close personal relationships with people who are culturally and socio-economically different? Do you have the desire, knowledge, and skill to integrate culturally relevant considerations into your work? What are some of your earliest memories of the values, beliefs, and attitudes of others that were different from yours?
How is Cultural Competence Important? Or, is it not? Is it necessary to be a faculty of color to understand Cultural Competency? Can you describe what Cultural Competency looks like in a classroom? Does Cultural Competence improve student retention/achievement?
What might happen if all faculty were culturally competent?
Does Cultural Competence improve student retention/achievement? What is the campus climate/culture today like for CA Community College students of Color? Is there a correlation between a positive campus climate/culture and leadership/governance? How and why?
Staff development activities that focus on self–reflection and bias Developing competence Only allocated what funding there is to professional development activities that support cultural competence building
Implementing hiring practices that include cultural competence Do voluntary Cultural Competence assessments