Presentation for Leadership in Social and Contemporary Issues Baylor University Roy I. Jones, Ed.D. Clemson University Eugene T. Moore School of Education
Mentoring From the Greek word meaning enduring. Is defined as a sustained relationship between a youth and an adult. Through continued involvement, the adult offers support, guidance, and goes through a difficult period, faces new challenges, works to correct earlier problems or works to make needed changes. Webster’s Dictionary defines mentor as “a trusted counselor or guide.”
Growing Greatness!!! The Antithesis to Mediocrity!!! The mentoring process is a critical ingredient in the success formula to Grow Greatness!!!
Leadership Begins with a Vision Vision can motivate without providing direction. The emotionally expressed intention to be the best XYZ is inspiring. It gives us something to believe in, work towards, and identify with. A Vision doesn’t always provide direction or what to do differently.
What is Servant- Leadership? Servant-Leadership is a practical philosophy which supports people who choose to serve first, and then lead as a way of expanding service to individuals and institutions. Servant-Leaders may or may not hold formal leadership positions. Servant-Leadership encourages collaboration, trust, foresight, listening, and the ethical use of power and empowerment. - The Servant As Leader, Robert Greenleaf
Leadership and Foresight “The Failure to Foresee is an ethical failure, because serious ethical compromises today are usually the result of failure, at an earlier date, to foresee today’s events and take the right action…The action that society labels ‘unethical’ in the present moment is often really one of no choice. A lot of guilty people are walking around with an air of innocence that they would not have if society were able always to pin the label ‘unethical’ on the failure to foresee and the failure to act constructively when there was freedom to act.”
The Landscape In many inner cities, more than half of all African American men do not finish high school. Ninety-eight percent of African American children attend public schools. African American children comprise 17 percent of the student population but constitute almost 40 percent of students placed in special education and only 3 percent of gifted and talented students; African American males, less than 1 percent.
African American teachers comprise 6 percent of U.S. teachers. African American males comprise 1 percent of U.S. teachers. White females comprise 83 percent of U.S. elementary teachers Over 40 percent of public school teachers send their children to private schools.
According to a recent census report there are more African American and Latino males spending tonight in a prison cell than a college dorm room.
We can, whenever and wherever we choose, successfully teach all children whose schooling is of interest to us. We already know more than we need to do that. Whether or not we do it must finally depend on how we feel about the fact that we haven’t so far. -Ron Edmonds
The number of male teachers is at a 40 year low according to the National Education Association.
America’s three million teachers will need to be replaced within two decades, primarily due to retirement. Of African American teachers, 37 percent graduated from historically Black colleges and universities.
Mentors Instructing Students Through Effective Role Modeling
The mission of the Call Me MISTER National Initiative is to increase the pool of available teachers from a broader more diverse background particularly among the State’s lowest performing elementary schools. Student participants are largely selected from among under-served, socio- economically disadvantaged and educationally at-risk communities.
To maximize opportunity and greater access, students will have the option of first attending one of our two-year partner colleges before transferring to a four- year institution to complete their program of study in teacher education and baccalaureate degree. In some cases, the program may allow enrollment in a Master of Teaching degree program leading to initial certification.
It is expected that a MISTER who completes his program of study and becomes certified to teach will assume a teaching position and teach one year for each year they received financial support from the Call Me MISTER program.
Call Me MISTER builds on existing networks and systems already in place in the collaborating colleges and surrounding schools and communities. Recruitment Training Certification Placement
Benedict College ● Claflin University ● Clemson University College of Charleston ● Longwood University ● Morris College ●South Carolina State University The Collaboration
Two-Year Institutions Midlands Technical College Columbia, S.C. Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College Orangeburg, S.C. Trident Technical College Charleston, S.C. Tri-County Technical College Pendleton, S.C.
Two-Year Institutions Greenville Technical College Greenville, S.C.
K-16 Success Pathways Academic Prep. Praxis 1 Qual. Teacher Certification Leadership Dev. Direct Instruction 1-to-1 Mentoring
Call Me MISTER is becoming a National Model for successful recruitment, retention and placement of teachers.
Call Me MISTER will become a National Model. The program can be replicable for other underrepresented populations.
The Call Me MISTER Experience Project Middle Passage Emerging ScholarsEasley Housing Authority The Co-Curriculum
The Call Me MISTER Experience Littlejohn Community CenterWe Stand for KidsKellett Elementary School The Co-Curriculum
The Call Me MISTER Experience NASA Pre-Service Teacher Conference & Institute Digital Express“Math Out of the Box” The Co-Curriculum
The Call Me MISTER Experience CMM SummitCMM Leadership InstituteCMM Summer Internship The Co-Curriculum
It must be borne in the mind that the tragedy of life doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach. It isn’t calamity to die with dreams unfulfilled, but it is a calamity not to dream. It is not a disaster to be unable to capture your ideal, but it is a disaster to have no ideal to capture. It is not a disgrace not to reach the stars, but it is a disgrace to have no stars to reach for. Not failure, but low aim is sin. -Dr. Benjamin E. Mays, President Emeritus, Morehouse College
Call Me MISTER Clemson University Eugene T. Moore School of Education Roy I. Jones, Ed.D., Director Winston E. Holton, M.Ed., Field Coordinator Mark Joseph, B.S., Teacher, Westcliffe Elementary