Developing a Permanent Charter for the Commercial Stakeholder Group June 22, 2010 Sarah Deutsch, CSG Representative/BC
Commercial Stakeholders Group (CSG): Charter Mandated by GNSO Structural Improvements Generic Names Supporting Organization was restructured into Four Stakeholder Groups /Two Houses – Board Committee driven Restructuring Groups are still finalizing their recommendations/public comments will be needed. Some may not be satisfactory to BCs members – e.g. mandating structures onto constituencies. Charter is supposed to be approved by ICANN Board in December meeting in Cartegena
Initial List of Topics to Review Mission of CSG Structure of the CSG Constituency Rights and Responsibilities CSG Roles vs. Roles for the Individual Constituencies CSG Role vs. Role of the Officers of Constituencies Role of Council in new GNSO restructured world Composition and Membership Qualifications for CSG Leadership Structure, Selection and Responsibilities Process for Decision-Making Determination of what topics are CSGs? CSG Public Meetings and Transparency, website, etc. Additional considerations, including recommendations offered by the GNSO Operations Steering Committee & Stakeholder Working Team
Next Steps Permanent Charter Must be Completed by October, for review and agreement across three constituencies; for approval by Board at Cartagena Meeting Development of initial edits to Charter –Will be co-drafting with other CSG reps on initial language –Welcome small working group to help to offer suggestions on language options and comments on draft text –Plan for a face to face in late September or October, back to back with proposed BC members meeting for joint CSG working session to review final draft of text. –Involve Rob Hoggarth/Ken Bour, ICANN staff as supportive staff