Unit 11 Trashketball Streams and Rivers
Game Rules Get into groups of three Each group member will be assigned a number. Everyone is to write the correct answer from each power point slide onto their white board. Use your group members for support! Once everyone has agreed upon the correct answer and recorded it onto their board, they will raise their hand. If the team’s answer is correct they will receive a point AND be given the opportunity to receive extra points. The teacher will call upon one team member to shoot a paper ball into the trashcan or recycle bin. The recycle bin is worth one point and the trashcan is worth two points.
SAMPLE QUESTION!!!! What is Glucose? Sugar
How do rivers wear down rock materials?
DEFINE: divide.
What is the relationship between river system and watershed?
How does gradient affect the velocity of a river?
DEFINE: discharge.
How does channel shape affect the velocity of a river?
DEFINE: floodplain.
When might a river have a high level of discharge?
What actions can be taken to prevent flooding?
DEFINE: suspension.
True or false, a flood is ALWAYS destructive.
How would a drought affect the material a river carries in suspension?
Give an example of running water that causes erosion.
List two characteristics of suspension.
Where is most of Earth’s water located?
Where is most of Earth’s fresh water located?
What percentage of Earth is covered with water?
When would a river deposit all of its sediments?
What factors affect the velocity of a stream?