Getting Oil sands to Market Pipeline development must be supported by world class environmental response systems and a balanced risk-return structure. Environmental and social costs must be balanced and proportional to economic benefits. Consultation with First Nations, aboriginal community engagement, and community benefit agreements are required to ensure fair representation and the establishment and preservation of the social license to operate. There must be no adverse impact on natural gas consumers, in particular those in Eastern and Northern Ontario in terms of rates, reliability and access to supply. (ex. TransCanada pipeline) The manufacturing industry must be protected from inflated and volatile currency exchange rates resulting from increased oil sands production. With regard to resource extraction, redistribution costs must remain balanced. Increased oil sands production and resource royalties in Alberta and Saskatchewan place an increased burden on other provincial taxpayers to fund inter-regional redistribution as resource royalties are NOT subject to federal taxation or redistribution.
Propose that the national strategy to be formally named the “National Sustainable Energy Strategy” and tied directly to the national Sustainable Development Strategy’s climate change mitigation targets. We propose provincially appointed representation on Sustainable Development Technology Canada’s Board of Directors. We also support Sustainable Development Strategy implementation of federal regulations to reduce GHG emissions in the oil and gas sectors. Meeting Canada’s 2020 GHG Targets
Increased Renewables Direct support of clean energy alternatives by establishing a provincial portfolio standard for renewable electricity. We propose a niche market regulation strategy to promote increased renewable electricity production. Purpose an niche market regulation requiring 20% of the market to have electricity from renewable energy source by Requirement can be applied to retailers, industry and/or consumers clients. Target to increase to 30% by 2030, and 50% by Meet new electricity demand by implementing nationwide demand side management regulation supported by revisions to federal codes and standards, and implementation of energy efficiency programs. Independent third party verification requirements for DSM energy saving measures and resulting GHG reductions. Commit to funding for research and demonstration projects. For example explore power to gas technology for converting renewable power generation to a source of renewable gas