Domestic Enrollment >> Progress Report AUGUST 15, 2014
Enrollment SUMMER State-Funded FTEs 2014: 1,835 2013: 2,001 2012: 1,972 2011: 2,002 Source: SCC Enrollment Data
Consistent Pattern Source: SCC Enrollment Data
Overview Understanding What do we know? What do we not know? Action What have we done? Where are we headed?
Context: History Source: SCC Enrollment Data
Context: Comparisons Consistent 3% decrease per year Source: SBCTC Fall Quarter Enrollment and Staffing ReportsSBCTC Fall Quarter Enrollment and Staffing Reports
Context: Community Source: American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates
Context: Community Source: SBCTC Fall Quarter Enrollment and Staffing ReportsSBCTC Fall Quarter Enrollment and Staffing Reports
Context: SBCTC Analysis Washington State Population and Employment Data WACTC Accountability and Allocation Task Force September 2013
Context: Demographics %2011%2012%2015% 15 – 1946,51849, , , , ,39144, , , , ,444100, , , , Population by age: Snohomish County %2011%2012%2015% 15 – 19111,118117, , , , ,196130, , , , ,759314, , , , Population by age: King County Source: American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates
SCC Age Demographics %2011%2012%2013% < 201,7341, , , , ,7771, , , , ,5741, , , , ,9981, , , , Total7,2436, , , , SCC Domestic Enrollment (Headcount), Fall to Fall, by Age King 67% 66%65% Snohomish 27% 29%31% Other6% 5%4% King: “In-District”22% 23%22% % of SCC Domestic Enrollment (Headcount), Fall to Fall, by County Source: SCC Enrollment Data
Context: District Source: OSPI Washington State Report CardOSPI Washington State Report Card
Context: SCC District Source: Education Research & Data Center, High School Feedback Report
Context: Workforce UNEMPLOYMENT RATE SnohomishKing Fall %9.2% Fall %9.2% Fall %8.1% Fall %8.0% Fall %5.2% Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Context: Workforce Source: SCC Enrollment Data
Context: Student Voice “Importance to me” 1 – not important at all 7 – very important “Enrollment factors” 1. Importance of cost in decision to enroll (M = 6.06) 2. Importance of financial aid in decision to enroll (M = 6.00) 3. Importance of academic reputation in decision to enroll (M = 5.90)
What do we know? Declines in domestic enrollment are … a shared problem. not related to representation based on race/ethnicity. reflect age-related demographic changes. reflect district changes. reflect economic changes, and & financial aid are key enrollment factors. can be seen in transfer, workforce, and basic education.
What do we not know? Causality Other external factors Other schools’ strategies Emergent, Urgent, or Crisis
What are we doing? Retention initiatives Investment in student advising Enhanced welcome week activities First Year Fast Forward Increasing “bucket” offerings Mid-Quarter Check-in Marketing of workforce funding programs
Where are we headed? Strategic Enrollment Management Begins with data Supports strategic planning KEY issues and actions Refreshed for new context