ROAD TO FREEDOM… and Responsibility Chapter’s 1 and 2 ROAD TO FREEDOM… and Responsibility
Handing over the keys is exciting and scary Drastic switch – from passenger in school bus or parent-driven vehicle to driver of a vehicle overnight Concerns about your child’s safety as a driver and passenger in another teen’s car Turning the car keys over to your child is a terrifying time for parents. Overnight, your child goes from traveling in the second-safest form of transportation in the world – the school bus – to what is probably the most dangerous position they will ever be in in their lives – the driver of a vehicle. In addition to being behind the wheel, your child also become the passenger as she rides with other novice driver. As a parent, this is your issue: your teen just started driving and they are out there on the road, sometimes as the driver and sometimes as a passenger in another car with friends. You might not know where they are or what they are doing – and it’s really scary. Is this how you felt when your child started driving? 2010 Subaru commercial 2
Motor vehicle crashes are the #1 killer of teens 2009 Leading cause of death in New Jersey, ages 16-17 10% 31% 16% This chart shows the cause of death for teens age 16 to 17 in New Jersey, taken from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s data. Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death in this age group. This is a very significant issue. On a national scale, these numbers are similar. A teen is more likely to die in a car crash than from homicide, suicide or disease combined. We take driving for granted especially when we are experienced and have performed this task for a long time. However driving is a very complicated and difficult task to learn and master. 20% 17% 6%
Teens have the highest crash rates 20 40 60 140 100 120 80 160 180 200 Driver crash rates by age* There is only one way to learn how to drive –by actually doing it. The problem is that the consequences for mistakes made are not a bad grade or getting grounded. The consequences can be catastrophic and deadly. Driving is the only activity in our lives with such devastating – life and death consequences. This chart shows how risky driving is for teens, especially 16- and 17-year-olds. Per 1,000 licensed drivers, 16- and 17-year old-drivers have the highest driver crash rates by age. 16 17 18 19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85+ *per 1,000 licensed drivers 4
Teens have the highest crash rates Driver crash rates per million miles traveled Here’s another way to look at the teen driver risk – crash rates per million miles traveled. This graph shows that 16- and 17-year-old drivers have the highest crash incident – only second to the 85-year-old senior. A.F. Williams, Journal of Safety Research (2003) 5
Many strategies exist to reduce crashes Driver education Peer-to-peer programs Vehicle decals Parent programs Police enforcement BUT… Graduated Driving Licensing (GDL) is a proven prevention tool. Many recognize that this is an important issue and are working to improve the teen driver licensing strategies and policies. And, research shows that some strategies are more effective than others. Driver education is great for teaching the rules of the road and safe driving practices; and, it is helpful in providing teens with more practice time. However, it is not possible to measure whether driver education contributes to crash reduction. It is also unknown whether the use of a simulator or computer-assisted driver education is effective. Peer-to-peer programs where teens talk to each other does reach teens, and these programs tend to reach teens who are willing and likely to be involved. Still, when teens are actively involved, they take ownership and adopt good habits. The effectiveness of vehicle decals alerting others that the driver behind the wheel is a novice are being evaluated. Additionally, the effectiveness of parent education and outreach has not been shown to be effective when this activity is limited to simply the distribution of print materials or a single assembly. More persuasive, proactive techniques are needed to encourage parents and to get them involve and actively engaged. Research shows parent programs are promising when used with other effective strategies. Parents do tend to increase management of GDL restrictions when they are informed. Police enforcement of novice driver laws is somewhat effective, though in reality, these laws aren’t vigorously enforced. However, highly visible, highly publicized enforcement does work for many traffic safety issues and could be applied to teen drivers. 6
Maximize experience, Minimize risk New Jersey’s Graduated Driver Licensing Program 3-stage system reduces fatal crashes & saves lives Stage 1 – Permit (min. age 16, requires 6hrs driver training) Supervised driving minimum of 6 months Practice at nighttime, in inclement weather, on all types of roads Stage 2 – Probationary License (min. age 17) Unsupervised driving minimum of 12 months Limit of 1 passenger, off the road btwn 11 pm-5 am, no hand-held or hands-free cell phones, seat belts required for everyone New Jersey’s GDL system includes three stages. In the first stage, a teen practice drives for a minimum of 6 months under the supervision of a parent or other adult who is at least 21 years of age and has held a valid NJ driver’s license for at least three years. Lots of practice in all conditions, at nighttime and on all types of roadways is recommended. Most states have a minimum requirement of supervised driving hours ranging from 10-60 hours. NJ does not have such a mandate, but experts recommend at least 50 hours of practice with a minimum of 10 at night. Teens are at a very low risk when they drive with an adult. During Stage 2, the teen may drive without supervision, but it’s important to remember that they are still gaining skill (it’s takes 18-24 months of driving to reduce crash risk). Restrictions during probationary license stage are important because they address those things that cause the greatest risk for teens: passengers, driving at night, distraction caused by cell phones and other electronic devices, and a low use of seat belt. NJ’s GDL limits passengers to just one unless a parent or guardian is in the vehicle; then the teen may have as many passengers as there are seat belts. If the probationary license holder has dependent children (not siblings) they may ride with the GDL holder. Teens may not drive between 11:01 pm and 5 am. Exemptions are provided for teens with a job that requires them to be out past 11 p.m. (they must have a letter from their employer stating their work hours) and for religious observances and/or emergencies. Stage 3 – Basic License (min. age 18) No restrictions, fully licensed, but must return to MVC to obtain 7
Probationary License Note that the license is printed on the vertical access; that’s because the licensee is under 21. Also note the yellow stripe denoting that it’s a probationary license as well as the Z in the capitol dome. The Z, as detailed on the back of the license, is the code that denotes a probationary license. If a teen is stopped for a GDL or other motor vehicle violation, the police officer will write the letter Z in the restriction code box on the ticket. This alerts the court that the teen is a probationary license holder and that if the offense carries points, he or she cannot plea bargain out of them. Note GDL violations do not carry points. After successful completion of the probationary stage, the teen is a fully licensed driver. However, the teen must go back to MVC to change his/her license. If they do not do this and are stopped for any reason, they will be treated as a GDL holder. 8
GDL Decal Aids with enforcement of the GDL requirements’ Not a new concept, used in many countries around the world with no negative impact on safety NJ’s Decal requirement applies to all permit and probationary licensees under 21 (not all drivers under 21). It is designed to help police officers identify GDL holders so that they can enforce the requirements of the law, which are proven to reduce the risk for teens. Without a decal, police are forced to profile teens (i.e., young, driver a car with school stickers, leaving a location frequented by teens, leaving a school parking lot), and that is illegal. The photo on the left shows the decal, which must be affixed to the front and rear license plate when the novice driver is behind the wheel. If a teen is stopped for a motor vehicle violation and does not have the decal on his/her vehicle, the penalty is a $100 fine (no points). This is consistent with the other GDL violations. Many countries – England, Australia, Canada, Japan, Germany – have required novice drivers to display a decal to aid with enforcement for years. The photo on the right shows two teens in Australia displaying several versions of the P placard, which is used by probationary drivers. The Australian requirement has been in effect for 40 years. 9
GDL reduces all teen crashes by 20 – 40% The best GDL systems save the most lives No GDL Some GDL Strong GDL Teen crashes Entire system includes: Law components Enforcement Parent involvement Social and community norms Teens Research shows GDL systems can reduce teen crashes by 20 percent. If the GDL system is as strong as it can be, crashes can be reduced by up to 40 percent. These reductions are based on law components. But remember – the others can support GDL to make it even more effective. These groups include enforcement, parents, community and teens. 10
Passengers are dangerous distractions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Crashes per 1,000 trips One passenger increases a teen driver’s risk, and that risk grows as more passengers are added. Parents can limit passengers as part of household rules. In fact, they may want to consider not allowing any passengers for the first few months of unsupervised driving. Driver Age 16-17 Driver Age 18-19 Driver Age 30-59 11
Driving at night increases risk and danger 50 40 Fatal weekday crashes by hour, drivers aged 15-18 University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute 30 20 This graph shows a visual of the time of day teen drivers are crashing nationwide. Most fatal teen nighttime crashes happen before 1 a.m. Each hour from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., the crash risk is high. Earlier GDL nighttime limits help reduce fatal crash risk for teens. Parents should be encouraged to adhere to the 11-5 curfew and consider an earlier curfew for the first few months of unsupervised driving. It’s also important to note that crash data for teens in NJ shows that the most dangerous time on the road is 3-6 p.m. (when most teen crashes occur), followed by 12-3 p.m. 40% of fatal crashes for NJ teens happen after 9 p.m. 10 9 p.m. – 10 p.m. 2 a.m. – 3 a.m. 1 a.m. – 2 a.m. 3 a.m. – 4 a.m. 4 a.m. – 5 a.m. 5 a.m. – 6 a.m. 10 p.m. – 11 p.m. 11 p.m. – midnight. Midnight – 1 a.m. 12
GDL focuses on first 6 - 12 months and 1,000 miles Novice drivers’ risk begins to drop with experience 120 Crashes per 10,000 learner/novice drivers 90 This is why GDL is so important. Let’s look at the teen crash rate during each month of licensure. The first two months of driving are by far the most dangerous. So parents are encouraged to impose a no passenger and no nighttime driving rule or at the very limit ensure that they are abiding by NJ’s 1 passenger and in before 11 p.m. requirements. The key is to help teens build their skills safely and in low-risk situations. The difference between crash rates at one month and six months is vast. 60 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Months of licensure 13
Teen Drivers Involved in Motor Vehicle Crashes GDL is positively impacting crash risk for teens in NJ. Between 2008 and 2009, the number of teen driver crashes dropped nearly 16%. While data is not yet available for 2010, it is anticipated that teen crashes are down from 2009 totals.
NJ Teen Driver, Teen Passenger Fatalities by Year Teen driver crashes fell 57% between 2006 and 2010. Teen driver and teen passenger (teens riding with teen drivers) deaths fell 52% between 2006 and 2010. GDL is having a huge impact! *2006-2008 FARS data.
Framing the issue: Not just for “bad” kids Strong GDL isn’t a punishment Your experience with driving is minimal, whether or not he/she is a “good” kid Crashes aren’t restricted to “bad” kids or reckless drivers Not about the teen’s personality, GPA, reaction time, responsibility level This isn’t a punishment for bad, irresponsible kids. Driving is a difficult task for all teens to learn, and GDL helps them learn in the safest environment possible. Parents don’t want to “get tough” or “crack down” – they want their kids to be safe. All teens are subject to the same underlying risks 16
Framing the issue: Public safety Victim role in teen driver (15-17) fatal crashes U.S., 1998-2007 31% 37% The important thing to remember is that teen drivers aren’t the only ones dying. Teen drivers make up a little more than a third of deaths in fatal crashes involving drivers aged 15 to 17. About another third are occupants of other vehicles, like you and me. About a quarter are the teen driver’s passenger and another 7 percent are pedestrians, bicylists and other non-motorists. Two-thirds of teen driver-related fatalities are not teen drivers. This is a public safety issue affecting everyone on the roadways. 7% 24% 17
GRADUATE DRIVER LICENSE PROGRAM In 2001, New Jersey sought to enhance driver preparation and safety by implementing a multi-stage driver licensing system. Known as the Graduated Driver License (GDL) Program.
Why the GDL law?? Studies show that a young driver's risk of being involved in a car crash is highest within his/her first 12-24 months of driving. An average of 6,000 teens die in car crashes nationally each year.
WHY? An additional 300,000 teens sustain injuries in crashes; many of those injuries are serious and often life-altering. Car crashes are the leading cause of brain injury in teens. By delaying full driving privileges so that teens can gain driving experience under low-risk conditions, comprehensive GDL programs can reduce these deaths and injuries by approximately 40%.
Overconfidence and an "it can't happen to me" attitude Teens tend to overrate their own driving skills, believing that they will be able to handle risky situations. Driver error is a factor in 2/3 of fatal teen crashes.
The ultimate goal…. of the GDL program is to protect the lives of young drivers-and the lives of their passengers and others on the road.
Graduated Driver License program…. gradually introduces driving privileges to first-time drivers Extends practice driving time requires a minimum age of 18 in order to receive an unrestricted, basic driver license.
There are three options to complete the program The Early Bird Road, for 16 year old drivers, The Young Adult Road, for drivers 17- 21 The Adult Road, for drivers 21 and older
Who must follow the GDL law? All new Driver’s who are under 21 are subjected to the NJ GDL requirements: Special learner's permit-16 Examination permit-17-21 Probationary (formerly Provisional) license
DECALS?? Kyleigh’s LAW All permit or probationary (formerly provisional) drivers under age 21 must display a reflectorized decal on each license plate (front/back) of any motor vehicle they operate.
GDL Decal ALL GDL drivers under age 21 are required to display two visible, red reflective decals, distributed through the MVC on any vehicle that they operate. One decal is to be displayed on the top left corner of the rear license plate and the other on the top left corner of the front license plate. The two, removable, decals are provided at the time a permit is issued for a fee of $4. Additional decals are available for $4 per pair at any MVC agency. (39:3-13 and 39:3-13.4f)
GDL Driver Exemptions Exemptions to the hours rule for permit and provisional drivers under 21 years: Proof of a need to drive during the prohibited hours for employment and/or religion. motorist must carry a legible certification to indicate this need from his/her employer or religious official on the official letterhead of the business, organization or religious institution, with the signature of the certifying official and his/her name, title, address and phone number.
GDL Driver Exemptions If the Examination Permit or Probationary License holder is 21 years of age or older, hour and passenger restrictions do not apply
MOST TEEN FATAL CRASHES OCCUR AT NIGHT DID YOU KNOW? MOST TEEN FATAL CRASHES OCCUR AT NIGHT Teens are twice as likely to crash at night (9pm-6am) than during the day.
Graduate Drivers License In addition to the decal requirement, effective May 1, 2010, New Jersey GDL drivers will also be subject to the following restrictions: May not operate a motor vehicle after 11:01 p.m. and before 5:00 a.m. May not use a hand-held or hands-free interactive, wireless communication device
3 ways to obtain basic license
The Early Bird Road Step 1 Get a Special Learner Permit Must be at least 16 years old Must pass MVC’s knowledge and vision tests Must have signed parent or guardian consent Must be enrolled in approved behind-the-wheel driver training course through the N.J. Department of Education or commercial driving school before permit is “Validated” for practice driving. 6 hours An approved driving instructor must purchase the permit-valid for up to TWO years Must pay required fee
The Early Bird Road cont. Step 2 Practice with an Adult Supervising Driver Must practice at least six months Step 3 To Get a “Probationary License” Must be at at least 17 and Must have completed at least six months of supervised driving without any suspensions or postponements Must pass MVC’s road test Must observe rules and restrictions
The Early Bird Road Step 5 Obtain the Basic Driver License Must be at least 18 years old Must have completed one year of unsupervised driving with probationary driver license restrictions
Special Permit Holders Restrictions Permit Phase: Eligible at 16 years old Requires Supervising driver who is over 21 and licensed to drive for at least three (3) years Display decals Limit 1 extra passenger regardless of family affiliation unless parent/guardian is in the vehicle No driving between 11:01-5am. Seatbelts =all
“Examination Permit” Restrictions Requires Supervising driver who is over 21 and licensed to drive for at least three (3) years Display decals Limit 1 extra passenger regardless of family affiliation unless parent/guardian is in the vehicle No driving between 11:01-5am. Seatbelts =all
“Probationary License” Restrictions Display decals Limit 1 extra passenger regardless of family affiliation unless parent/guardian is in the vehicle No driving between 11:01-5am. Seatbelts =all
Passenger distractions… By carrying just one passenger the risk for a crash increases by 50 percent. With three or more passengers, the risk is nearly four times greater than while driving alone.
What if I don’t follow GDL rules?? GDL restrictions placed upon first- time drivers must be strictly adhered to. Failure to do so may result in a fine of $100 or a possible suspension of a motorist’s driving privilege. (N.J.S.A. 39:3-10 and 39:3-13 through 39:13.8)
What happens if my teen driver commits a traffic offense and receives a ticket while he/she has a GDL license GDL holders cannot "plea down" to "no point" offenses. If a GDL holder accumulates three or more penalty points, they have to complete a driver improvement program. If they fail to complete this program, or if they accumulate additional points, it will result in suspension and postponement of their eligibility to obtain a probationary (if in the permit phase) or basic license (if in the probationary phase). In addition, violations may incur legal fees and/or higher insurance rates. This can cost thousands of dollars. GDL holders must obey all traffic rules and regulations. It can save money... and their lives.
IMPORTANT INFO! Note: If the student driver commits a traffic offense, responsibility will be with both the student and instructor or adult supervising driver. All motorists who possess a provisional driver license, whose provisional licensing period is not extended by the MVC beyond the standard 12 months, must visit an MVC agency to upgrade to a basic driver license after the end of those 12 months. Motorists who fail to do so will remain subject to the provisional driver license restrictions and could be cited by law enforcement for violating the restrictions.
Examination permits for NJ Residents Any New Jersey resident who is at least 17 years old and is not in suspension status can obtain a driver examination permit at any MVC agency. The examination permit is different from a student learner permit because the applicant does not have to be a student and an instructor is not necessary The MVC will validate the permit for practice driving after the applicant passes the required knowledge test and vision screening. Results are valid for two years
Examination Permits for Out-of-State Drivers All out-of-state drivers are required to purchase an examination permit within 60 days of becoming a permanent New Jersey resident or when his/her out-of-state license expires, whichever comes first. Out-of-state drivers who are under 18 years of age and move to New Jersey are subject to this state’s GDL Program Applicants may be required to pass a knowledge test, vision screening and road test. Foreign drivers may use their native driver licenses as proof of driving experience if their countries are members of the United Nations Convention
Non - Driver ID An individual, 17 years of age or older, who does not possess a valid driver license may apply for a non-driver identification card Hearing – Impaired Designation A special driver license for deaf or hearing impaired motorists is provided by the MVC.
NJ Driver Road test Testing.. Eyesight: Basic license applicants need a 20/50 Written: Must receive an 80% or higher on a 50 question test Out-of-State applicants between 17 and 18 years of age who possess a valid out-of- state license will be given a provisional license for a period of one year and must comply with GDL requirements and restrictions
Restrictions 1 – Corrective Lenses Required 2 – Prosthetic Device 3 – Mechanical Device 4 – Hearing Impaired 5 – Attached Restrictions (This category applies to special modifications to an applicant’s vehicle or limited driver privileges for a medical condition. The card detailing the attached restrictions must remain with the driver license.)
Test Vehicle Requirements For the road test, an applicant must have: a vehicle with a valid inspection sticker a valid registration document and a valid insurance ID card for that vehicle (unless covered by BPU or federal DOT regulations). The vehicle may not have any obstructions or consoles that prevent the examiner from reaching the foot or parking brakes. The applicant must also have a valid permit and be accompanied by a licensed driver. The accompanying driver must hold a license to operate the type of vehicle for which the applicant has a permit (except for a moped).
Accompanying Driver Requirements A Licensed driver must remain in the vehicle with the applicant at all times. If the accompanying motorist is licensed in a state other than NJ, or has less than three years of driving experience, he/she must drive the vehicle to the road test area. The MVC does not supply vehicles for road tests.
Elements of the Road Test If an applicant passes the road test, the examiner will issue an authorization for licensing. The permit, authorization and 6 Points of ID Verification must be taken to a motor vehicle agency to obtain the digital driver license If an applicant fails the road test, he/she must wait at least two weeks before taking the test again. After several failures, the MVC may require an applicant to wait six months before retaking the road test
Reasons for Rejection the vehicle may be the cause of failure. Some license applicants may not have the opportunity to take an initial road test because an examiner considers the vehicle unsuitable or unsafe for the test. Improper, expired or no inspection sticker Lack of examiner access to foot brake or parking brake
Why did I fail? Any defect or condition that affects the safe operation of the test vehicle, such as but not limited to: Poor brakes (pedal must not fade or go to the floorboard) Parking brake doesn’t work Unsafe tires (smooth, cut, badly worn) Vehicle interior is not in reasonably clean condition Vehicle failed inspection, and motorist does not bring the Vehicle Inspection Report issued by the inspection station to road test area Vehicle not equipped with radial tires or snow tires or chains when road is snow covered Fast engine idle (cannot judge speed control) Missing seat belts (seat belts are required on all vehicles manufactured after July 1, 1966)