Report from the Chair of the At-Large Advisory Committee to the 41 st ICANN Meeting Dr. Olivier Crépin-Leblond 24 June 2011
At-Large highlights leading up to 41 st Meeting in Singapore Four new ALSes (2 in APRALO, 2 in EURALO) – total is now 134 Unprecedented output of policy statements (16 in 3 months), with unprecedented input from ALSes Supporting & guiding JAS WG Creation of Future Challenges WG to facilitate proactive policy input Increased cross-community cooperation: Meetings with GAC and Registrars 3
ALACs week in Singapore 17 At-Large meetings – including 3 RALO events, 3 ALAC and RALO leadership meetings, 2 dedicated policy sessions, 1 Improvements working session, and 1 ExCom meeting 6 cross-community meetings – with the GAC, Commercial Stakeholder Group (CSG), Non- Commercial Users Constituency/Stakeholder Group (NCUC/SG), Whois Review Team, Registrars, and AfrICANN APRALO ALS Showcase Meetings with ICANN Board and CEO 4
At-Large Singapore highlights Productive meetings with Board and CEO – covering new gTLD applicant support and outreach, FY12 Draft Budget, and ALAC initiation of policy topics ALAC/GAC collaboration to resolve outstanding applicant support issues in new gTLD program Successful meetings with GNSOs CSG and NCUC/SG High-energy APRALO Showcase, featuring presentations by 5 ALSes, APRALOs first chair, and local Internet pioneers ICANN Bylaw revisions clarifying ALACs role (part of ALAC Improvements): On Boards consent agenda 5
The ALAC Chairs Report to the 41 st ICANN Meeting can be found at: hair%27s+Report+at+Singapore+Meeting+-+June+2011 Thank You hair%27s+Report+at+Singapore+Meeting+-+June+2011