ICANN MEETING NO. 38 | JUNE 2010 ALSes Survey Analysis Prelimenary results ALSes Survey June 2010
13 of 22 African ALSes participated in this survey 59% of the total number AFRALO 1- Participation in the Survey ALSes Survey June Website Less than 62% provided a website address More than 38% dont have a web page
AFRALO 3- Level of Representation ALSes Survey June 2010 Most of the African ALSes are represented at a National level The regional level was understood as regional inside the country because of the logic order, and also because no international level was included in the choices. the following representations should be included in the future : Local National Regional International State
Most of the AFRALO ALSes use mainly the mailing lists 2/3 use Skype 38% use Facebook 1/3 use Twitter 1/3 use Blogs More than half of them use other communication means such as telephone and fax. AFRALO 5 - Communication tools ALSes Survey June 2010
Almost all hold regular meetings with their members AFRALO 6 - Regular meetings with members? ALSes Survey June 2010
Most of the ALSes meet every 2 to 3 months AFRALO 6a - Periodicity of the meetings ALSes Survey June 2010
85% face to face meeting 38%Web conference 31%Teleconference 38%other AFRALO 6b - Type of meetings ALSes Survey June 2010
62%French 31%English 31%Arabic AFRALO 7 - Working Languages ALSes Survey June 2010
77%new gTLDs 69% IPV4 / IPV6 54%IDN Security, stability & resiliency Engagement & outreach 23% Whois 23%Other AFRALO 8b - Interest in Issues ALSes Survey June 2010
77% Either depending on topic and required commitement 15% Standing WG meeting regularly No interest in the ad hoc WG AFRALO 9 – Preferred WG activity ALSes Survey June 2010
46%Well integrated 15%very well integrated 15%Not integrated at all 8%poorly integrated AFRALO 11 – At-Large integrated in ICANN policy structure ALSes Survey June 2010
AFRALO 12 - ALS integrated in ALAC/ RALO policy structure ALSes Survey June %Very well integrated 23%Well integrated 23%Very poorly integrated 15%poorly integrated
69% Policy documents are too technical and require long time to read 54%Other time commitments 54%Connectivity 38%No Knowledgeable members 15% Issues not relevant to the ALS 15%Other AFRALO 13 - Limitations to ALS participation ALSes Survey June 2010
Rec 4 about ALS education and engagement is seen as the most important one to increase the ALS participation (62%). Followed by Rec 9 concerning translation and interpretation processes (54%) Rec 2, 7 and 12 were also select by 1/3 of the ALSes as the most important for their participation AFRALO 14a – To increase the ALS participation in ICANN ALSes Survey June 2010
AFRALO 14b – The ALS wants to help ALAC in implementing ALSes Survey June % of our ALSes want to help ALAC in implementing Rec 4 about ALS education and engagement. While only 23% like to help in implementing Rec 12 concerning input from consumer representatives 15% prefer Rec 5, 6 and/or 8.
AFRALO Quick snapshot ALSes Survey June 2010 The participation rate for the African region is quite good (almost 60%) Only 62% gave a secondary contact of ALS representative More than 38% didnt give a website address, which is a very bad index for a representative of the Internet users. Some of our ALSes still use the fax as a communication tools, but the most in use is the mailing list Most of our ALSes are using French (62%), the English users and the Arabic users represent each 31% only of the whole number. we can notice that IDN is an interesting issue for the African ALSes, but not the at the first level because there is not a big interest in using the African local languages in the top level domains. Most of the ALSes feel that the excessively technical nature and the lenth of the policy documents represent the most limitation for their participation
ICANN MEETING NO. 38 | JUNE 2010 Thank you ICANN MEETING No. 38 | June 2010 ALSes Survey June 2010