Automate your Backups with iSeries Operator Belinda Daub CISTECH Senior Technical Consultant
Agenda Overview Automated Backup and Operations What’s new with iSO? Disaster Recovery Planning Q&A Configuration and Verification
Overview Backup and Recovery Requirements Save XA and user data on a daily basis Save application libraries regularly Save system configuration, system objects and security settings regularly Full System save – minimum quarterly and before/after system updates or upgrades Manage media rotation according to defined retention schedule Documented and tested recovery plan
Overview Why automation is not simple: Someone has to prepare the environment for the nightly backup to be successful End jobs for users who did not log off End the U-Jobs that are running Finish batches Start the java environments for XA Rel 7 clients Auxiliary machines need to be reset when backup is active Nightly jobs must be run while the environment is not in use Saving the system has to be done outside the MAPICS backup Backup verification is tedious No tools for logging or tracking media contents and expiration
Overview CISTECH’s iSeries Operator (iSO) can help: Automate operator functions typically required to insure successful backups. Automate certain MAPICS jobs that cannot run during the day due to conflicts. Restarts XA Release 7 java servers and services Supports a comprehensive Disaster Recovery Strategy encompassing iSeries operating environment, custom systems, and MAPICS data. Provides tools for tracking media and reporting backup information to auditors.
Reduce risk of data loss Maximize productivity of operations personnel Reduce labor costs Tune application for optimal efficiency and performance iSeries Operator Benefits Common response from users responsible for backups: “Thanks for giving me back my evenings and weekends!”
Automated Backup and Operations Respects MAPICS save requirements: Ends and starts Journaling Finishes IM, AR & REP closed and suspended batches Cleans up used batches Ends jobs that would prevent saves Ends active U-jobs Run cleanup of transaction and log files
Additional Features: Configure daily and weekly jobs Save with active batches End/restart jobs that will prevent success Restart only U-jobs that were ended when save is complete Run MAPICS file reorganization Run MAPICS Reports including MRP Run custom day-end programs Output queue cleanup Configure backup alerts via Simplified verification of backup status Media tracking tools Tape volume ID using physical media label Automated Backup and Operations
Media labels and tracking features Process Repetitive batches Improved control for multiple jobs XA Rel 7.8 compatibility Restart the Global Environment Reset the auxiliary servers Annual software maintenance available Fix support Upgrades Enhancements and OS/XA Release compatibility What’s New with iSO?
Configuration and Verification Configuration options: Daily and weekly jobs System Components User Libraries and Folders MAPICS processing Before/After commands Break message and delay Notifications Media labeling and tracking (Integrator required)
Configuration and Verification Daily Backup Jobs: MAPICS environments How to handle batches Libraries and folders contain user data or change significantly Select some or all user libraries, with option to omit Save to disk or tape Before/After commands Keep users off the system End/start application jobs Submit MAPICS reports and cleanup Call custom programs String multiple backup jobs in sequence
Configuration and Verification
Weekly Backup Job: System save System Configuration Security Data All User Libraries Documents and Folders IBM and User Directories IPL (required for system components) Before/After commands Purge output queues automatically Reorganize XA Files Restart U-Jobs in all environments Configuration and Verification
Media Handling features: Volume ID *SAME Initialize your tapes to match the physical label Configure expiration interval (number of days) Backup will keep the volume id the same on initialization Configure notifications Send message with backup information “Backup for 06/09/2009 on Volume 0006L4 initialized with expiration 06/23/2009” Log this information in the media catalog Always know what’s on a tape
Configuration and Verification Media Catalog: Manage rotation and retention Indicate location of media Log details of what was not saved for each backup
iSeries Job Scheduler: View and hold backups Omit dates when tapes will not be loaded Replaced when changes are made to the configuration of the jobs Configuration and Verification
Libraries/Folders to Save: All Selected (enter each library/folder to save) Omit – save all user libraries except those listed (not valid for folders) None Configuration and Verification
Commands to Execute: Configure for each job Before commands End non-MAPICS jobs that may prevent successful saves End TCP interfaces to keep users off After commands Run preconfigured MAPICS commands to generate reports and perform cleanup Restart non-MAPICS jobs Restart interfaces to let users on Purge selected output queues Save disk images to tape Configuration and Verification
Verifying your backup: Review messages Review reports Jobs that were ended Display of tape contents Review joblog If messages indicate errors Scan for and log objects not saved Fix errors for next backup Review history Shows all libraries/folders ever saved Identify when a library was removed Identify volume id of last save Configuration and Verification
30 Thousand Feet view of Recovery: 1.Obtain temporary or replacement system 2.Restore the LIC and Base OS using last full system save 3.Restore the OS and application libraries, along with configuration and user security from your last ABWEEKLY 4.Recover the latest data from your last ABDAILYxy save for each environment 5.Verify your system and environments 6.Turn over to users Disaster Recovery
Recovery Considerations: How long will it take to get a replacement system? Consider a business continuity solution that provides temporary use of compatible hardware It can take 5 to 10 days to get a replacement system from IBM How will your users conduct business while the system is unavailable? Make sure you have access to critical data and forms Define the process users will employ while the system is down and when it is available again How can you insure your ability to recover? Provide for temporary system Access to selected users for testing of critical applications and system resources (printers, etc.) Routine tests of backup media – selected restores Disaster Recovery Planning
Begin by developing a Disaster Recovery Strategy CISTECH iSeries Operator includes 2 days for implementation of a single environment and disaster recovery planning assistance to get you started Disaster Recovery Planning
Implement a backup strategy that supports your recovery objectives What is your backup downtime window? What data should be saved and how often? Who will perform and verify the backups? What are the retention requirements? What are the media rotation requirements? Where will the tapes be stored off site? Is recovery testing a requirement? Disaster Recovery Planning
CISTECH can help you implement a Business Continuity Plan that protects your investors and your customers by allowing you to continue operations if a disaster occurs! Business Continuity
CISTECH offers solutions that provide for all components of a Business Continuity Plan: Fail-safe Daily Backups using iSeries Operator Warm site system in Matthews loaded with your environment in 24 hours or less Documented Disaster Recovery procedures Quarterly testing of connection to temporary system Annual disaster simulations with detailed evaluation and score card Regular review and improvement Storing and Retrieval of data and forms needed for users to operate during downtime Business Continuity
In a disaster, CISTECH would be available to: Provide systems and operations support in the event your IT Department is unavailable as a result of the disaster Backups IT Help Desk (user support) System Operations Assist with recovery to permanent replacement system Business Continuity
CISTECH helped us: Reduce effort to achieve Daily MAPICS backup Reduce downtime for a disaster to less than 24 hours a reduction of over 60% Achieve 45% monthly cost savings Achieve ROI in less than 1 year Including cost of equipment for Baremetal NT backup system. Darrel Cook VT Miltope Success Story! VT Miltope
THANK YOU! Ben McCormick