Expert Working Group on gTLD Directory Services: Initial Report al%2BReport Report for ALAC Discussion Carlton Samuels
EWG: Initial Report What Needs Fixing? Ability/Willingness of Registrars to verify/validate Whois Data Dependence on individual registrars for access to/reliance on Whois data All registrant data potentially accessible globally Unregulated privacy/proxy servers
EWG: Initial Report
EWG: Initial Report What is Being Proposed
EWG: Initial Report Users of Registration Data
EWG: Initial Working Group Permitted Purposes for Data Use
EWG: Initial Report ARDS Model Registrar collects registrant data – gTLD registry. gTLD registries hold authoritative data ARDS (or other repository) as non-authoritative repository of all all collected data elements Requestors apply for access to data – obtain access to non-authoritative, or special cases, authoritative data ARDS repository provides validation of data, handling and auditing access, handling complaints and imposing penalties for inappropriate access
EWG: Initial Report Gated Access Model
EWG: Initial Report Advantages: One Stop shop for requestors Greater accountability for data validation and access abuse Standardizes access approaches to meet privacy requirements Enables more efficient accuracy checks Enables search portal in multiple languages
EWG: Initial Report Disadvantages Data latency Creation of a big data source Increased risk of insider abuse Registries/registrars no longer control delivery of registration data
EWG: Initial Report Issues for discussion : Support for the ARDS generally? Location of repository? Whois data: enough/too little/too much Accuracy checks on data – who and how? Permitted (or not) uses Permitted (or not) users Penalties – for whom/for what/what authority Timeline?
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