Mr. Lindamer Course Intro: Algebra 2/Trig ext 2318 Three - ring binderTextbook Several FoldersPen or pencil Loose leaf paperGraph paper Graphing calculatorStraight edge
Grading Policy Tests (400 – 500 pts): You will take 3 – 4 unit tests and a CFA (10 week test) each quarter Quizzes (≈ 200pts): You will take 1 quiz each week worth 20-50pts HW (100 pts): HW will be checked or graded using a 4 point system
Homework Homework will be assigned almost every day Keep all HW assignments in your unit folder to use for studying All assignments must have a heading HW provides the opportunity to independently practice material that will be on tests and quizzes Be sure to ask questions on the HW and get help when you need it. Use your notes and text book to help
HW grading HW that is checked in will be recorded using a 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 system 4: complete, neat, all work shown, demonstrates understanding 3: complete, neat, all work shown, but does not demonstrate understanding or nearly complete and demonstrates understanding 2: at least 50% complete and/or correct 1: incomplete or no work shown 0: shows very little effort HW that is graded will be out of 10 to 20 points ( graded like tests or quizzes) No late HW will be accepted for full credit. HW can be made up with me during HW Recovery or in HW Hall
Missed HW, Quizzes, Tests No matter of the reason, you still must make up the work within 2 days THIS INCLUDES making up TESTS & Quizzes It is your responsibility to find out what you missed and get it made up in a timely manner Field trips are not an excuse…get the work in advance or that same day
Extra Help “Asking for help does not mean that we are weak or incompetent. It usually indicates an advanced level of honesty and intelligence” Wednesday and Thursday AFTER SCHOOL 2:45 – 3:15 Help is available in AAC and ASAP program
Classroom Expectations No cell phones Be on time Be prepared Treat others as you want to be treated Be an active learner Don’t make food and drinks an issue
A2/Trig Topics Relations and Functions Trigonometric graphs Exponentional Functions Statistics, Sequences and Series Probability Logarithmic functions Complex numbers Operations with polynomials Absolute value functions Rational Expressions Quadratic Functions Trig Applications Trig Equations Transformations of Functions Trigonometry Functions Problem Solving Circles Radical expressions and equations
Closing Comments Math is not a spectator sport: you learn by doing This means participate in class activities and doing your homework If you do this everyday, you will be prepared for tests and quizzes
Website An electronic version of our textbook can be found under the Algebra 2 Trig resources link. I will try to post HW on a daily basis. Check with a reliable classmate for accurate daily assignments