Galatians Summary Outline I. I. Ch 1-2: Defense of Message and Messenger II. II. Ch 3-4: Grace-Faith versus Law-Works III. III. Ch 5-6: New Life in the.


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Presentation transcript:

Galatians Summary Outline I. I. Ch 1-2: Defense of Message and Messenger II. II. Ch 3-4: Grace-Faith versus Law-Works III. III. Ch 5-6: New Life in the Spirit

Ch 3-4: Grace-Faith versus Law-Works A. 3:1-9The Preeminence of Faith B. 3:10-14The Curse of Works C. 3:15-18The Precedent of Promise D. 3:19-25The Purpose of the Law E. 3:26-4:7Sons and Heirs through Christ F. 4:8-18The Emptiness of Legalism G. 4:19-31Law and Grace Cannot Coexist

Ch 3: Grace-Faith Blessings 1. 3:26Absolute, Unconditional Sonship in Christ

Ch 3: Grace-Faith Blessings 1. 3:26Absolute, Unconditional Sonship in Christ 2. 3:27Living Union with Christ through Baptism by the Spirit into Him

Ch 3: Grace-Faith Blessings 1. 3:26Absolute, Unconditional Sonship in Christ 2. 3:27Living Union with Christ through Baptism by the Spirit into Him 3. 3:28Oneness in Christ

Gal 3:29 – “Abraham’s seed” “Since you are in Christ (and thus Christ’s), then you are Abraham’s seed, for Christ is Abraham’s Seed.”

Galatians 3:29 James Boice “The prize the legalizers had been holding before the eyes of the Galatian Christians and by which they had hoped to win them to the ceremonial aspects of Judaism was the possibility of becoming part of the seed of Abraham. They meant physical seed. Paul now replies that what the legalizers were offering through circumcision was actually already theirs in Christ. But it was only theirs in Him. He is the Seed to whom the promises were made. Believers enter into the promises by entering into Him, thereby also becoming spiritual seed to God.”

Ch 3:26-4:7 - Grace-Faith Blessings 1. 3:26Absolute, Unconditional Sonship in Christ 2. 3:27Living Union with Christ through Baptism by the Spirit into Him 3. 3:28Oneness in Christ 4. 3:29Status as the True seed of Abraham and Heirs of the Promise

“The Test Question” Believing what was heard“observing the law”? The true gospelThe legalizers “gospel” 3:6-9Faith (“Abraham”) 3:15-18Faith (“covenant”) 3:23-29Faith (“heirs”) 3:10-14Law (“the curse”) 3:19-22Law (“transgressions”) 4:1-7Law (“bondage”)

Galatians 4:1-2 James Boice “The English reader will miss the flavor of these verses unless he realizes that the moment of growing up was a very definite one in antiquity and that it involved matters of great religious and legal importance. For instance, in Judaism a boy passed from adolescence to manhood shortly after his twelfth birthday, at which time he became ‘a son of the law.’ In the Greek world the minor came of age later, at about eighteen, but there was the same emphasis on an entering into a full responsibility as an adult. At this age, at the festival of the Apatouria, the child passed from the care of his father to the care of the state and was responsible to it.”

Galatians 4:1-2 James Boice (cont) “Under Roman law there was also a time for the coming of age of a son. But the age when this took place may not have been as fixed as is often assumed (cf. Lightfoot), with the result that the father may have had discretion in setting the time of his son’s maturity. If this is so, it leads one to think that Paul is referring primarily to the Roman custom as he observed that a child is under guardians and trustees ‘until the time set by his father.’ A Roman child became an adult at the sacred family festival known as the Liberalia, held annually on the seventeenth of March. At this time the child was formally adopted by the father as his acknowledged son and heir and received the toga virilis in place of the toga praetexta which he had previously worn.”